artursmtz said:
Hello, i received my file number from CIC canada 2 days ago and I'm just wondering what are the steps to take after i get the file number? for what i've heard, they will request the police certificates and after that, the medical exams but in the CIC web page is not clear enough of what i have to do to get my police records if I'm living in canada in the present day. once i send the whole package of documents they will transfer it to the PGR and then send it to ottawa (where my file is)???? and also they mention about not making any payments at all. so what to do? i was reading forums regarding the same topic and people say they followed the steps as in the webpage but CIC never got anything at all, like the documents where lost or something. what is my best option? follow all those steps and take a chance without waiting for CIC to request police records? or just wait and ask a relative in mexico to do everything for me down there? thank you very much, and VIVA MEXICO
How to obtain police certificates
Step 1. Apply for certificates
It is your responsibility to contact the relevant authorities.Certificates are usually issued by the police of the country concerned, but in some countries you will have to apply to municipal, provincial, federal or other government authorities. The country's embassy or consulate in Canada may be able to give additional information.
When applying for police certificates, you should include for each person:A completed Request for Police Certificates/Clearances and Authorization for Release of Information) (PDF, 59 KB) form (see Appendix A)
a continuacion tienes la liga
Include photocopies for each applicant.
A set of fingerprints, if required by the authority of the country. Your local police or RCMP may be able to tell you where you can get fingerprints done. Take the Fingerprint Request Letter
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(PDF, 56 KB) and your photo identification (passport, travel document, etc.) with you when you go to get fingerprints taken. You may have to pay a fee.
Your complete mailing address (certificates will be sent directly to you).
If you live outside Mexico, the federal police certificate you will need is called the Informe de datos registrales.
To obtain this form, you must send:
1) Two sets of original fingerprints that meet these standards:
rolled and flat impressions of all ten fingers taken with black ink
full name, date of birth and sex of the applicant
the name and address of the police agency
the signature of the officer taking the fingerprints
To have your fingerprints taken
If you are in:
Canada: Please contact a fingerprinting agency, or go to the closest local police station.
All other countries: Please go to the closest local police station. (In some countries the Mexican Embassy or Consulate will be able to assist you)
2) Three photographs of the front, and three of the right profile: passport size (With no makeup, earrings, glasses, beard, moustache, sideburns—no exceptions)
3) One legible copy of your passport’s bio-page (the page where your picture and full name appear).
4) Quote your file number, your name, date of birth, and the name of the visa office, Canadian embassy or consulate or Case Processing Centre where your file is.
Do not send any other documents or provide any payments.
Send the above to:
Immigration Section
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 193
Col. Granada
11520 Mexico, D.F