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Apr 19, 2021

My main question that I couldn't find any clear answer to is: How did you submit the PCC into the IRCC portal? Could you help me to share how did you do yours?
Hey Omar, if you are from Mexico there's no slot for the police certificate because they ask for it after you submit the initial documents. After they have checked those (medical examination, etc) they will send you a new message requesting the certificate.
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Omar Sanchez

Jan 15, 2021
Hey Omar, if you are from Mexico there's no slot for the police certificate because they ask for it after you submit the initial documents. After they have checked those (medical examination, etc) they will send you a new message requesting the certificate.
Thanks, yut87, I was asked for the PCC, in fact, I already had it but I was expecting that some slot would be open or available in my IRCC Account to upload it but I haven't found anything. So my question is, how should I upload it (the PCC)?


Full Member
Apr 18, 2018
Update guys

PCC REQUESTED: 2021/07/07
Embassy sent my documents to FGR: 2021/07/24
Embassy sent PCC to IRCC: 2021/ 09 / 24

Nothing since then, Could someone tell me what to expect after this step? I want to believe that the longest wait has already happened with the PCC of Mexico. thanks


Oct 27, 2021
Hi! I just got my email asking for biometrics here in Canada and police certificate from my country (Mexico) I applied inland and I have no idea if I need to take two sets of fingerprints and send one to the office in Mississauga and other one to the office in Mexico. Can someone please help me out ? Thank you in advance.


Oct 29, 2021
Hi! After reading a some of the pages here, I am considering to ask someone in Mexico to get the process and upload the PC by myself, is that still an option? if I am in Cadana at the moment.


Oct 29, 2021
Canadian Embassy in mexico, received documents on October 4th.
Just emailed them to ask my status.
However, reading all your messages
I am considering doing it on my own asking someone in mexico to help me with this.

Can someone please help me clarify a few questions???
If you ask someone in Mexico to get the Police certificate.
You need a request letter from Canadian Embassy, right?
How/where to ask for this?
And what else do you need?

Aug 30, 2021
Hi All,

I highly recommend if you have someone in Mexico to get the PCC for you is the best thing you can do. (I have a contact that did it for me, which I’m happy to share if you would like). Please send me a DM if you would like the contact. For some reason, I don't get notified for replies to the post.

Here is my timeline:

AOR - July 7th
Biometrics letter - August 12
Medical Exam passed - August 12
Biometrics completed - August 13
PCC letter - August 30
PCC submitted to the IRCC portal - September 13
Background check completed - September 18
PR portal email - October 1st
Submitted mail address and photo - October 2nd
eCoPR - October 4th
PR card received - November 29
Last edited:


Jun 16, 2021
Hi All,

I highly recommend if you have someone in Mexico to get the PCC for you is the best thing you can do. (I have a contact that did it for me, which I’m happy to share if you would like). Please send me a DM if you would like the contact. For some reason, I don't get notified for replies to the post.

Here is my timeline:

AOR - July 7th
Biometrics letter - August 12
Medical Exam passed - August 12
Biometrics completed - August 13
PCC letter - August 30
PCC submitted to the IRCC portal - September 13
Background check completed - September 18
PR portal email - October 1st
Submitted mail address and photo - October 2nd
eCoPR - October 4th
PR card received - November 29
Congrats Daniella. The PR card took some time to arrive. My wife and I got eCoPR on November 13th. My wife got her card in 12 days. I am still waiting for mine


Mar 8, 2016
Can we have use CONSTANCIA DE NO ANTECEDENTES instead of Constancia de datos registrales

100% WRONG. The lawyer you contacted has NO idea. Here is what you do: IF you have someone who can do this on your behalf in Mexico. If you do not have someone to get this paperwork on your behalf, then you have no choice but to go the via the Canadian Embassy in Mexico and wait for whatever time it takes them.

1. Go to a fingerprinting agency and get two fingerprint cards. I used F1 in Mississauga. NO need to get it re-certified or translated.
2. Get a right side perfil & face picture taken 4.5 x 3.5cms colour, no makeup, no eyeglasses, earrings etc. (2 copies of each)
3. Write a letter authorizing someone on your behalf to do all that is necessary in Mexico to get you the certificate. See post #236 in this thread, the letter is there, in Spanish and you can copy paste. Two witnesses will have to sign the letter along with you. The person in Mexico you are giving the authority to can sign the letter when he receives the documents in Mexico. Make sure you also attach copies of their ID's front and back. A Canadian driving license will do.
4. The person in Mexico will have to make a deposit for MXN 178.00, @ "Banco Mercantil del Norte", S.A., Institución de Banca Múltiple, Grupo Financiero Banorte, a través del convenio 149583 y referencia 18443101
5. You will have to get your Canadian proof of address translated from English to Spanish and include the original of the translation in the package.
6. Copy of your passport, the main page and any other page with relevant information.
7. Copy of your birth certificate, translated to Spanish by a certified translator. I use https://www.taontario.ca/, if you do not have a birth certificate your embassy can issue a certificate of birth, and once translated, that will work as well.
8. Letter requesting the Constancia de Datos Registrales. This will come to you via email from the Canadian Embassy in Mexico City.

The person you authorize needs to take all these documents to the local PGR/FGR office along with his original IFE/Passport and a proof of address. Once submitted, you will get your letter in about 10 - 12 days (it will be given to the authorized person). If you need any further help send me a PM
100% WRONG. The lawyer you contacted has NO idea. Here is what you do: IF you have someone who can do this on your behalf in Mexico. If you do not have someone to get this paperwork on your behalf, then you have no choice but to go the via the Canadian Embassy in Mexico and wait for whatever time it takes them.

1. Go to a fingerprinting agency and get two fingerprint cards. I used F1 in Mississauga. NO need to get it re-certified or translated.
2. Get a right side perfil & face picture taken 4.5 x 3.5cms colour, no makeup, no eyeglasses, earrings etc. (2 copies of each)
3. Write a letter authorizing someone on your behalf to do all that is necessary in Mexico to get you the certificate. See post #236 in this thread, the letter is there, in Spanish and you can copy paste. Two witnesses will have to sign the letter along with you. The person in Mexico you are giving the authority to can sign the letter when he receives the documents in Mexico. Make sure you also attach copies of their ID's front and back. A Canadian driving license will do.
4. The person in Mexico will have to make a deposit for MXN 178.00, @ "Banco Mercantil del Norte", S.A., Institución de Banca Múltiple, Grupo Financiero Banorte, a través del convenio 149583 y referencia 18443101
5. You will have to get your Canadian proof of address translated from English to Spanish and include the original of the translation in the package.
6. Copy of your passport, the main page and any other page with relevant information.
7. Copy of your birth certificate, translated to Spanish by a certified translator. I use https://www.taontario.ca/, if you do not have a birth certificate your embassy can issue a certificate of birth, and once translated, that will work as well.
8. Letter requesting the Constancia de Datos Registrales. This will come to you via email from the Canadian Embassy in Mexico City.

The person you authorize needs to take all these documents to the local PGR/FGR office along with his original IFE/Passport and a proof of address. Once submitted, you will get your letter in about 10 - 12 days (it will be given to the authorized person). If you need any further help send me a PM


Nov 6, 2019
I will write in Spanish here as it is mostly Mexicans who need this document. If someone needs me to write what I did in English let me know.

Pues como lei aqui y en otros lugares que la Constancia de Datos Registrales a través de la embajada Canadiense en México tarda meses. También decidí solicitar ese documento vía un amigo. Eso lo que tuve que hacer:

1. Solicitar dos copias de las huellas que había dado. Me cobraron 30 dolares nada mas. Normalmente cobran 65 dólares. Aquí uno tiene que tener cuidado que no pasen 90 días, calculando por el dia que van a entregar los documentos. OJO las copias no son de la copiadora, son originales impreso otra vez por la misma autoridad quien tomó las huellas.
2. Copia del IFE, o pasaporte.
3. Copia de acta de nacimiento, si no es en español, hay que enviar para que traduzcan en español por un perito certificado
4. Comprobante domicilio. Si es de Canadá, hay que enviar para que traduzcan en español por un perito certificado (muy importante - no pasen 90 días).
5. Carta de la embajada (no rebasar 30 días)
6. Dos fotografías en color de frente 4 x 3.5cms . SIN Barba, SIN Bigote, SIN lentes, SIN Maquillaje, SIN aretes, y si tiene cabello largo hay que recoger. No pueden reir ni nada.
7. Dos fotografías en color de perfil derecha 4 x 3.5cms. SIN Barba, SIN Bigote, SIN lentes, SIN Maquillaje, SIN aretes, y si tiene cabello largo hay que recoger. No pueden reir ni nada.
8. Pago por MXN 178.00, "Banco Mercantil del Norte", S.A., Institución de Banca Múltiple, Grupo Financiero Banorte, a través del convenio 149583 y referencia 18443101.

9. Carta poder simple. Aqui, mas abajo esta el formato. Tiene que firmar usted, la persona quien recibe el poder, y dos testigos (no importa la nacionalidad, siempre y cuando anexa copia de identificación junto con el carta poder). Para identificación de los testigos ellos me proporcionaron licencia de conducir de Canadá y lo aceptaron sin problema.


Toronto, Ontario, Canadá 20 del Octubre del 2020

Dirección General de Control de Procesos Penales Federales

(Ciudad, Estado)



Yo______________________, con domicilio en _____________________, Canada por el presente otorgo a______________________, poder, amplio y suficiente para que, conjunta o indistintamente, en mi nombre y representación, pueda tramitar la Constancia de Datos Registrales en mi favor.

Sin más por el momento me quedo de ustedes,

A t e n t a m e n t e

____________________________ _____________________________

Otorgo Acepto

Nombre y dirección como esta en el Nombre y dirección como esta en
Identificación identificación

_____________________________ _____________________________

Testigo 1 Testigo 2

Nombre y dirección como esta en el Nombre y dirección como esta en
Identificación identificación

Notas importantes: Las fechas para los documentos se calcular a partir del dia que la persona con el poder presente los documentos. Traducción si tiene que ser a través vez de un perito certificado y si hay que enviar los originales de los traducciones (no original de los documentos). Si estas en Canada ponga su direccion de Canada no de Mexico, y eso debe de ser igual que su comprobante domicilio.

Despues que aceptaron mis documentos, ellos indicaron 10 dias habiles para entrega de Constancia de Datos Registrales.

Espero que eso les ayudo.
Gracias. Esto sigue siendo útil en Diciembre 2021!


Jan 10, 2022
¿Cual es el correo/teléfono de contacto de la embajada -sección de inmigración-?
Esto para confirmar que ya recibieron mis documentos y saber qué día fueron enviados a FGR.


Jan 27, 2022
Gracias. Esto sigue siendo útil en Diciembre 2021!
Hola! Si yo estoy fisocamemte en mexico y soy mexicana, puedo hacerlo yo directemante con la carta que me envien cuando me lo soliciten, correcrto? Otra duda es: en la pagina de FGR dice que para los hombrr necesitan la precartilla militar, es esto correcto?


Jan 27, 2022
MEXICO PCCC by myself

I already have my document to go to FGR to get my PCC, i should go and get it mysefl, them uploaded? o FGR will uploaded for me? do i have to translate and notarized teh original?
Thanks in advanced!