nishh said:
After sending passport . Passport received on 1 October n fired me on 14th.
Do I hv to hv a valid work permit n unexpired nominee certificate?
Hey nishh get relax not override your mental stress are completely okey ..the thing is your nomination should be valid by the time cic receives it ..nomination for almost all of us were valid for 6 months ..for us it is already expired ... Work permit you can apply. online if you are desperate and once you receive your passport ..withdraw your application and you 'll get refunded ...regarding passport return ..I believe you 'll get it once the election Is decided ..bczz they don't work on any project until the govt is made .. and immigration is big game of economy and
politics ..when the new govt is made the minister for immigration will take the office and the show begins ..if it is a coalition govt you 'll get your passport this week ..or if it is the same conservative govt ....and if it is a new govt ..then wait until first week of November

$good luck $
My situation is worst : in restoration + no work permit + no work + nomination has expired within the month I sent my application for PR the time the province sent me nomination contract already was ended with that employer ..after that I did 2-3 more other
jobs ..don't know what 'll happen to my case ?

( you got much better situation ..though I got 6 lines on ecas ..what Say you ?