Just realised that I never posted my timeline here, so here it is below from the beginning
Principal Applicant - Me - Primary NOC 2174 (Software Developer), secondary NOC 4011 (University Lecturer)
Dependant Spouse - Primary NOC 5241 (Graphic Designer), secondary NOC 1123 (Social Media Manager)
Country of Citizenship - South Africa
Country of Residence - United Arab Emirates
IELTS - PA - 3rd March 2018 (Band 9 / CLB 12)
IELTS - Spouse - 7th April 2018 (Band 8 / CLB 11)
ECA through WES - 19th March 2018
EE Profile created - 28 April 2018
NBPNP Info Session - 10 March 2018
NBPNP EOI submitted - 2 May 2018
NBPNP ITA received - 11 June 2018
NBPNP AOR - 26 June 2018
NBPNP Nomination received - 20 July 2018
CIC ITA received - 25 July 2018
CIC AOR - 10 September 2018 (submission delayed due to issues with PCC, exchange rates, and courier companies)
CIC MEP - 5 October 2018
Biometrics submitted - 6 October 2018
CIC RPRF Request received - 8 November 2018 (opted to wait for RPRF request instead of paying upfront during CIC AOR)
Ghost Update - 25 November 2018
CIC PPR Letter received - 14 January 2019
Passports Submitted to Abu Dhabi VAC - 16 January 2019
CIC Final Decision - Approved!

- 28 January 2019
CoPRs/Visas Received - 30 January 2019
Landed in Fredericton, NB: End of July 2019 (in Sha Allah) - not sure about the exact date yet thanks to work contract in UAE
Please Note: In my case, although sorely tempted, I did not end up ordering GCMS notes. However, I did raise a CSE twice regarding the Visa Office and also the progress of my application, only to receive generic replies back.
At the end of it, all I can say to those still waiting is... your patience will be rewarded! Have faith and don't despair