Hi All,
Landed in Calgary yesterday as a PNP applicat and the whole landing process took 10 mins in total for a family of 4.
The proof of landing fund was not even mentioned, all they asked was to know how much we had. they didn't bother to even see the amount. The draft i even carried was in Nigeria currency although i had over 11000 in CAD dollars with me.
At immigration, we were asked if we have been to Canada before after which they signed the COPR form and welcomed us to Canada.
At the customs, we showed them a copy of the form for goods accompanying and goods to follow. The custom officers mentioned to us that the form for goods accompanying was not needed, only the goods to follow list was stamped.
The custom officer was so friendly and all the food stuffs we carried were not even checked. for anyone who is planning to land in Calgary, you can carry any food stuff but please avoid yam and any meat produce in any form.
To all who intend to land in Calgary or anywhere in Canada, do not worry yourself about anything including POF. Just always remember that the God that will make you trek on a rocky road, will give you a solid shoe to trek over it.
Sincerely yours
Agent of Change