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PNP Applicants From Pakistan Waiting For Medicals After Receiving AOR


Star Member
Jun 21, 2014
Dear Malik

Could u please share ur ielts in each ( L,S,R,W)?

Could you explain us about email in you own wordings?

Does lvo is not satisfied with english ?

what did they demand for? They demanded for simple explanation letter for existing ilets score that how to survive in canada by less ilets or they have given chance to resit in ilets test for improvement. whats their motive in this concern?

What about ur lawyer in this situation? plz explain lawyer suggestion......

Please share the cousions timeline, noc code, occupation type O A B C D, province, category family/skilled worker, ielts score in each and expiry date , did he submitted ielts CIO /CIC ?



Star Member
Jun 21, 2014
Dear all PNP applicants

This is biased and discriminatory action with london visa office applicants specially pakistani applicant. No other local embsassy doing like this they are demanding ilets and settlement plan at the last stage of pr application .Today i sent email canadian minister and cic in detail as follows:

Please send an email in own wordings to minister at (Minister @ cic.gc.ca) and CIO/CIC (CIO-Sydney-Search-Enquiry @ cic.gc.ca) with proof like elegibility creteria from province and pnp check list etc...

Mr. Minister
CIC Canada

Greetings from Pakistan!!!

I am from Pakistan and PNP Permanent Resident applicant under London Visa Office, we are facing some trouble from london visa office because they doing biased behavior with PNP PR applicants of London Visa Office (Specially with Pakistani Applicant) in term of eligibility criteria.

As per eligibility criteria, PNP applicant fulfilled their requirement at province level in english proficiency test score as well as in the settlement plan and nominated by provinces authority through long and hard scrutinized process.

Having applied without IELTS for PR applications in the CIC/CIO as per PNP check list (Attached herewith) and eligibility criteria under occupation type O A B , acknowledgement of receipts (AOR) have been issued to PNP nominees with following comments.

"Upon review of the information you have provided, your application is considered complete based upon the requirements of the Instructions and Regulation 10 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA)"

After transferring the case to London visa office ,visa office has sent emails to PNP nominees (under NOC code O , A & B) for Fresh IELTS (English Language test) and settlement plans. Our concern is that it is not requirement at this stage even IELTS score is already submitted at province level during nomination province. Now our IELTS have been expired during process of nomination at province level.

For Paper based Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) PR Application (Old Method/ without Express Entery):

As per Permanent Resident PNP check list (attached here) & English/Language requirement (attached here, taken from CIC Website) for PR PNP applicant under NOC code O A B , there is no need to submit the IELTS at the CIC/CIO level, Only C & D occupations are required to submit the ILETS at CIO/CIC Level.

At final stage London visa office is requesting IELTS (time consuming doc) and other documents which have been already assessed at provincial and CIO/CIC level. Actually its duty of provincial government to assess the education, experience, minimum settlement funds, IELTS Certificates and settlement plans but london local visa office should assess criminality & security checks and medical. But they are wasting our time in local office by asking same documents which is not their concerns.

As per eligible criteria from Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan (attached herewith) , there is approx 5 CLB requirement of IELTS ( 5/Speaking, 5/Reading, 5/Listening and 5/Writing) for all occupations (O A B C D) for Nomination purpose. Some applicants under noc O A B who attached IELTS score sheet ( equal to 5 , more than 5 but less than 6 score ) with PR application for safe side but London visa is not satisfied with their IELTS score. In some cases, applicants have already professional license from regularity body of Canada and Job offer from any province of Canada but they are again asked for settlement plans and IELTS which have been already submitted to concerned province.

We all Pakistani and london visa based application are connected with online Canadian immigration forums where we noticed there is no such requirements (ILETS , Settlement Plan etc) from all other local visa offices except London visa office in the final stage of PR.

This is discriminatory and biased movement/ behavior for London visa applicants ( specially for Pakistani) which leads to ruin our career. We are waiting for our PR since long time with good hopes but London visa office............................................................Therefore we request you please help us and take serious action against them.

Our future and Career is in your hand.


London Visa Office Applicants


Hero Member
Jan 12, 2014
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
22-Jan-15 (CIC REC)
Doc's Request.
30-Nov-14 (MPNP)
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
with application
File Transfer...
2-Jun-15 (In Process)
Med's Request
02-Oct-15 (Medicals ,RPRF and updated chart)
Med's Done....
15-Oct-15 (med done ) , 23-Oct-15 (med rec)
Alhumdullilah Waived
Passport Req..
18-Nov-15, DM 19-Nov-15
plz read this i find in an old thread where VO has email same as nowdays people rec but that person is not pakistani may be read it thouroughly one new finding of me that visa office has sole rights to process an aaplication under Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations in which they have rights to argue with your supporting according to LAW ,, i am sawing this after a depth analysis kindly read below case for demonstration .....................................................................

This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada as a member of the provincial nominee class.
I have reviewed your application and all of the information you have provided in support of it and it appears that you do not meet the requirements for immigration to Canada.
Subsection 11(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) provides that a foreign national must, before entering Canada, apply to an officer for a visa or any other document required by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. The visa or document shall be issued if, following an examination, the officer is satisfied that the foreign national is not inadmissible and meets the requirements of the Act.
The provincial nominee class is an economic immigrant category. Provincial nominees are described on Citizenship and Immigration's official website (www.cic.gc.ca) as people who “have the skills, education and work experience needed to make an immediate economic contribution to the province or territory that nominates them." Subsection 87 of Canada's Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) describes the provincial nominee class as "a class of persons who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada" and are named in a nomination certificate issued by the government of a province under a provincial nomination agreement between that province and the Minister; and ... intend to reside in the province that has nominated them." Provincial nominees are further described on www.cic.gc.ca as those candidates nominated by a province or territory "who would be most likely to settle effectively into the economic and social life of the region." In order for applicants to become economically established it is expected that they will be able to obtain employment in Canada and already have the abilities, education, and work experience which will enable them to procure employment. Nominations issued by provinces are considered as initial evidence that nominees have the ability to become economically established in Canada and will be of economic benefit to the province and have met the requirements of the province's Provincial Nominee Program. Canada is responsible for exercising the final selection authority and ensuring that applicants admitted under the program have met the requirements for membership in the economic class. Notwithstanding your nomination by a province or territory, I am not satisfied that the information provided with your permanent residence application indicates you have the ability to become economically established in Canada or that you otherwise meet the definition of a provincial nominee as per Subsection 87 of the IRPR.
Included with your application for permanent residence was definitive evidence of your English language proficiency in the form of an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test result. These results showed that you had received an overall band score of
4.5 which is described by IELTS as “Limited User: Basic competence is limited to familiar situations. Has frequent problems in understanding and expression. Is not able to use complex language”. Your individual band scores for listening (4.5) and speaking (4.5) are also those of a “Limited User”. Your individual band score for writing (5.0) is in the range described by IELTS as “Modest user: Has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. Should be able to handle basic communication in own field”. Your individual band score for reading (3.5) is in the range described by IELTS "Extremely limited user: conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent breakdowns in communication occur".
The ability to communicate effectively in one of Canada's official languages is recognized as a vitally important factor in becoming economically established. Information on the official website of Saskatchewan Immigration confirms that English is spoken everywhere in Saskatchewan and that immigrants' "chances of success...will improve if [they] can understand and speak English." Relating specifically to employment, Saskatchewan Immigration states that "To do most jobs well, a minimum of a [Canadian Language] benchmark 4 is recommended." A Canadian Language Benchmark of 4 would equate to an IELTS score of at least Listening 4.5, Reading 3.5, Writing 4.0, and Speaking 4.0, and would be considered the most basic level of English language proficiency.
The SINP has also stated that nominees must have "the English language ability either to do the job you have been offered by a Saskatchewan employer or to get a job in your field of education or training." You do not indicate having been offered a job by a Saskatchewan employer. The occupation in which you have been nominated is elementary school and kindergarten teacher. The only occupation in which you have experience is as a teacher, although I note that it is as a computer teacher and not an elementary school and kindergarten teacher. Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) through the Government of Canada's Job Bank website identifies oral communication, reading, writing, and document use as among the essential skills to perform work as an elementary school and kindergarten teacher. The complexity levels of tasks described by ESDC as generally performed by the majority of workers in the occupation of elementary school and kindergarten teacher can range from the basic to the advanced.
Reading tasks described by the ESDC essential skills profile as being of advanced complexity include reading textbooks and curriculum guides, reading a wide range of trade publications, and reading a wide variety of stories, essays and other texts written by students. Oral communication tasks described by the ESDC essential skills profile as being of advanced complexity include teaching basic subjects, speaking with parents, psychologists and social workers, and facilitating and leading extra-curricular activities. It appears reasonable therefore to expect that high English language proficiency in reading, listening and speaking would be required to accomplish the full range of reading and oral communication tasks it would be reasonable to expect of work as an elementary school and kindergarten teacher. Your demonstrated English language proficiency is at only a basic level in reading, listening and speaking. Writing tasks described by the ESDC essential skills profile as being of moderate complexity include writing student evaluation reports and writing intervention plans for children with learning or psychosocial difficulties. It appears reasonable therefore to expect that at least moderate English language proficiency in writing would be required to accomplish the full range of writing tasks it would be reasonable to expect of work as an elementary school and kindergarten teacher. Your demonstrated English language proficiency is only at a basic level in writing.
You have indicated that your intended occupation in Canada is early childhood educator. ESDC through the Government of Canada's Job Bank website identifies oral communication, reading, writing, and document use as among the essential skills to perform work as an early childhood educator. The complexity levels of tasks described by ESDC as generally performed by the majority of workers in the occupation of early childhood educator range from the basic to the advanced. Reading tasks described by the ESDC essential skills profile as being of advanced complexity include reading policy and procedure manuals, curriculum and instruction guides, legislation and contracts. It appears reasonable therefore to expect that high English language proficiency in reading would be required to accomplish the full range of reading tasks it would be reasonable to expect of work as an early childhood educator. Your demonstrated English language proficiency is only at a basic level in reading. Oral communication tasks described by the ESDC essential skills profile as being of moderate complexity include discussing ongoing work with co-workers and colleagues, and organizing and leading discussions of children's progress with parents, caregivers and guardians. It appears reasonable therefore to expect that moderate English language proficiency in listening and speaking would be required to accomplish the full range of oral communication tasks it would be reasonable to expect of work as an early childhood educator. Your demonstrated English language proficiency is only at a basic level in listening and speaking.
With the level of English language ability you have demonstrated I am not satisfied that you would be able to perform the tasks of the occupation for which you have been nominated, and also in which you indicate having previous experience. As well, in order to be a teacher in Saskatchewan, one must also obtain teacher certification for which fluency in English or French would be a requirement. It does not appear that you have the English language proficiency to obtain teacher certification in Saskatchewan or to successfully complete additional training which you may need in order to be eligible for certification. With the level of English language ability you have demonstrated , I am also not satisfied that you would be able to perform the tasks of your intended occupation. Therefore, I am not satisfied that you would be able to become employed in Canada or, if you did find employment, that it would be of a sufficient level for you to become economically established. I have also noted that your nomination indicates you may have support of family members in Saskatchewan but support by, and reliance on, family members would not be considered economic establishment and would not be sufficient to outweigh the concerns over your low level of English language ability, your lack of teacher certification, and your lack of experience in any other occupation.

A copy of this letter is also being sent to the nominating province to advise of the possible refusal of your application and the reasons for it. The province has 90 days to raise concerns or seek clarification from the visa office regarding the assessment of your application, after which the final decision will be made. If you have further information you wish to have considered, you must submit it within the same 90-day time period.


Hero Member
Jan 12, 2014
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
22-Jan-15 (CIC REC)
Doc's Request.
30-Nov-14 (MPNP)
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
with application
File Transfer...
2-Jun-15 (In Process)
Med's Request
02-Oct-15 (Medicals ,RPRF and updated chart)
Med's Done....
15-Oct-15 (med done ) , 23-Oct-15 (med rec)
Alhumdullilah Waived
Passport Req..
18-Nov-15, DM 19-Nov-15
Malik7785 said:
its usually takes 3 to 4 months to receive a medical request after getting AOR. If you are not requested for additional documents during the period.
malik please share your cousin s detail timeline as engineer asked

and please explain your email main points in your own words thouroughly

bro we are here to help each other



Hero Member
May 26, 2015
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Pic Request 16-April-15
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
07-Sep-2015-Ecas In Process
Med's Request
16-October-15 (RPRF , MR , PCC , Updated forms , PPR 1)
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Engineer80 said:
Dear all PNP applicants

This is biased and discriminatory action with london visa office applicants specially pakistani applicant. No other local embsassy doing like this they are demanding ilets and settlement plan at the last stage of pr application .Today i sent email canadian minister and cic in detail as follows:

Please send an email in own wordings to minister at (Minister @ cic.gc.ca) and CIO/CIC (CIO-Sydney-Search-Enquiry @ cic.gc.ca) with proof like elegibility creteria from province and pnp check list etc...

Mr. Minister
CIC Canada

Greetings from Pakistan!!!

I am from Pakistan and PNP Permanent Resident applicant under London Visa Office, we are facing some trouble from london visa office because they doing biased behavior with PNP PR applicants of London Visa Office (Specially with Pakistani Applicant) in term of eligibility criteria.

As per eligibility criteria, PNP applicant fulfilled their requirement at province level in english proficiency test score as well as in the settlement plan and nominated by provinces authority through long and hard scrutinized process.

Having applied without IELTS for PR applications in the CIC/CIO as per PNP check list (Attached herewith) and eligibility criteria under occupation type O A B , acknowledgement of receipts (AOR) have been issued to PNP nominees with following comments.

"Upon review of the information you have provided, your application is considered complete based upon the requirements of the Instructions and Regulation 10 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA)"

After transferring the case to London visa office ,visa office has sent emails to PNP nominees (under NOC code O , A & B) for Fresh IELTS (English Language test) and settlement plans. Our concern is that it is not requirement at this stage even IELTS score is already submitted at province level during nomination province. Now our IELTS have been expired during process of nomination at province level.

For Paper based Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) PR Application (Old Method/ without Express Entery):

As per Permanent Resident PNP check list (attached here) & English/Language requirement (attached here, taken from CIC Website) for PR PNP applicant under NOC code O A B , there is no need to submit the IELTS at the CIC/CIO level, Only C & D occupations are required to submit the ILETS at CIO/CIC Level.

At final stage London visa office is requesting IELTS (time consuming doc) and other documents which have been already assessed at provincial and CIO/CIC level. Actually its duty of provincial government to assess the education, experience, minimum settlement funds, IELTS Certificates and settlement plans but london local visa office should assess criminality & security checks and medical. But they are wasting our time in local office by asking same documents which is not their concerns.

As per eligible criteria from Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan (attached herewith) , there is approx 5 CLB requirement of IELTS ( 5/Speaking, 5/Reading, 5/Listening and 5/Writing) for all occupations (O A B C D) for Nomination purpose. Some applicants under noc O A B who attached IELTS score sheet ( equal to 5 , more than 5 but less than 6 score ) with PR application for safe side but London visa is not satisfied with their IELTS score. In some cases, applicants have already professional license from regularity body of Canada and Job offer from any province of Canada but they are again asked for settlement plans and IELTS which have been already submitted to concerned province.

We all Pakistani and london visa based application are connected with online Canadian immigration forums where we noticed there is no such requirements (ILETS , Settlement Plan etc) from all other local visa offices except London visa office in the final stage of PR.

This is discriminatory and biased movement/ behavior for London visa applicants ( specially for Pakistani) which leads to ruin our career. We are waiting for our PR since long time with good hopes but London visa office............................................................Therefore we request you please help us and take serious action against them.

Our future and Career is in your hand.


London Visa Office Applicants

Good work done by you bro. lets see what will be the reply


Hero Member
May 26, 2015
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Pic Request 16-April-15
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
07-Sep-2015-Ecas In Process
Med's Request
16-October-15 (RPRF , MR , PCC , Updated forms , PPR 1)
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
umair110 said:
plz read this i find in an old thread where VO has email same as nowdays people rec but that person is not pakistani may be read it thouroughly one new finding of me that visa office has sole rights to process an aaplication under Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations in which they have rights to argue with your supporting according to LAW ,, i am sawing this after a depth analysis kindly read below case for demonstration .....................................................................

This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada as a member of the provincial nominee class.
I have reviewed your application and all of the information you have provided in support of it and it appears that you do not meet the requirements for immigration to Canada.
Subsection 11(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) provides that a foreign national must, before entering Canada, apply to an officer for a visa or any other document required by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. The visa or document shall be issued if, following an examination, the officer is satisfied that the foreign national is not inadmissible and meets the requirements of the Act.
The provincial nominee class is an economic immigrant category. Provincial nominees are described on Citizenship and Immigration's official website (www.cic.gc.ca) as people who “have the skills, education and work experience needed to make an immediate economic contribution to the province or territory that nominates them." Subsection 87 of Canada's Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) describes the provincial nominee class as "a class of persons who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada" and are named in a nomination certificate issued by the government of a province under a provincial nomination agreement between that province and the Minister; and ... intend to reside in the province that has nominated them." Provincial nominees are further described on www.cic.gc.ca as those candidates nominated by a province or territory "who would be most likely to settle effectively into the economic and social life of the region." In order for applicants to become economically established it is expected that they will be able to obtain employment in Canada and already have the abilities, education, and work experience which will enable them to procure employment. Nominations issued by provinces are considered as initial evidence that nominees have the ability to become economically established in Canada and will be of economic benefit to the province and have met the requirements of the province's Provincial Nominee Program. Canada is responsible for exercising the final selection authority and ensuring that applicants admitted under the program have met the requirements for membership in the economic class. Notwithstanding your nomination by a province or territory, I am not satisfied that the information provided with your permanent residence application indicates you have the ability to become economically established in Canada or that you otherwise meet the definition of a provincial nominee as per Subsection 87 of the IRPR.
Included with your application for permanent residence was definitive evidence of your English language proficiency in the form of an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test result. These results showed that you had received an overall band score of
4.5 which is described by IELTS as “Limited User: Basic competence is limited to familiar situations. Has frequent problems in understanding and expression. Is not able to use complex language”. Your individual band scores for listening (4.5) and speaking (4.5) are also those of a “Limited User”. Your individual band score for writing (5.0) is in the range described by IELTS as “Modest user: Has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. Should be able to handle basic communication in own field”. Your individual band score for reading (3.5) is in the range described by IELTS "Extremely limited user: conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent breakdowns in communication occur".
The ability to communicate effectively in one of Canada's official languages is recognized as a vitally important factor in becoming economically established. Information on the official website of Saskatchewan Immigration confirms that English is spoken everywhere in Saskatchewan and that immigrants' "chances of success...will improve if [they] can understand and speak English." Relating specifically to employment, Saskatchewan Immigration states that "To do most jobs well, a minimum of a [Canadian Language] benchmark 4 is recommended." A Canadian Language Benchmark of 4 would equate to an IELTS score of at least Listening 4.5, Reading 3.5, Writing 4.0, and Speaking 4.0, and would be considered the most basic level of English language proficiency.
The SINP has also stated that nominees must have "the English language ability either to do the job you have been offered by a Saskatchewan employer or to get a job in your field of education or training." You do not indicate having been offered a job by a Saskatchewan employer. The occupation in which you have been nominated is elementary school and kindergarten teacher. The only occupation in which you have experience is as a teacher, although I note that it is as a computer teacher and not an elementary school and kindergarten teacher. Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) through the Government of Canada's Job Bank website identifies oral communication, reading, writing, and document use as among the essential skills to perform work as an elementary school and kindergarten teacher. The complexity levels of tasks described by ESDC as generally performed by the majority of workers in the occupation of elementary school and kindergarten teacher can range from the basic to the advanced.
Reading tasks described by the ESDC essential skills profile as being of advanced complexity include reading textbooks and curriculum guides, reading a wide range of trade publications, and reading a wide variety of stories, essays and other texts written by students. Oral communication tasks described by the ESDC essential skills profile as being of advanced complexity include teaching basic subjects, speaking with parents, psychologists and social workers, and facilitating and leading extra-curricular activities. It appears reasonable therefore to expect that high English language proficiency in reading, listening and speaking would be required to accomplish the full range of reading and oral communication tasks it would be reasonable to expect of work as an elementary school and kindergarten teacher. Your demonstrated English language proficiency is at only a basic level in reading, listening and speaking. Writing tasks described by the ESDC essential skills profile as being of moderate complexity include writing student evaluation reports and writing intervention plans for children with learning or psychosocial difficulties. It appears reasonable therefore to expect that at least moderate English language proficiency in writing would be required to accomplish the full range of writing tasks it would be reasonable to expect of work as an elementary school and kindergarten teacher. Your demonstrated English language proficiency is only at a basic level in writing.
You have indicated that your intended occupation in Canada is early childhood educator. ESDC through the Government of Canada's Job Bank website identifies oral communication, reading, writing, and document use as among the essential skills to perform work as an early childhood educator. The complexity levels of tasks described by ESDC as generally performed by the majority of workers in the occupation of early childhood educator range from the basic to the advanced. Reading tasks described by the ESDC essential skills profile as being of advanced complexity include reading policy and procedure manuals, curriculum and instruction guides, legislation and contracts. It appears reasonable therefore to expect that high English language proficiency in reading would be required to accomplish the full range of reading tasks it would be reasonable to expect of work as an early childhood educator. Your demonstrated English language proficiency is only at a basic level in reading. Oral communication tasks described by the ESDC essential skills profile as being of moderate complexity include discussing ongoing work with co-workers and colleagues, and organizing and leading discussions of children's progress with parents, caregivers and guardians. It appears reasonable therefore to expect that moderate English language proficiency in listening and speaking would be required to accomplish the full range of oral communication tasks it would be reasonable to expect of work as an early childhood educator. Your demonstrated English language proficiency is only at a basic level in listening and speaking.
With the level of English language ability you have demonstrated I am not satisfied that you would be able to perform the tasks of the occupation for which you have been nominated, and also in which you indicate having previous experience. As well, in order to be a teacher in Saskatchewan, one must also obtain teacher certification for which fluency in English or French would be a requirement. It does not appear that you have the English language proficiency to obtain teacher certification in Saskatchewan or to successfully complete additional training which you may need in order to be eligible for certification. With the level of English language ability you have demonstrated , I am also not satisfied that you would be able to perform the tasks of your intended occupation. Therefore, I am not satisfied that you would be able to become employed in Canada or, if you did find employment, that it would be of a sufficient level for you to become economically established. I have also noted that your nomination indicates you may have support of family members in Saskatchewan but support by, and reliance on, family members would not be considered economic establishment and would not be sufficient to outweigh the concerns over your low level of English language ability, your lack of teacher certification, and your lack of experience in any other occupation.

A copy of this letter is also being sent to the nominating province to advise of the possible refusal of your application and the reasons for it. The province has 90 days to raise concerns or seek clarification from the visa office regarding the assessment of your application, after which the final decision will be made. If you have further information you wish to have considered, you must submit it within the same 90-day time period.

Exactly i recieved the same email you shared


Hero Member
May 26, 2015
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Pic Request 16-April-15
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
07-Sep-2015-Ecas In Process
Med's Request
16-October-15 (RPRF , MR , PCC , Updated forms , PPR 1)
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
umair110 said:
malik please share your cousin s detail timeline as engineer asked

and please explain your email main points in your own words thouroughly

bro we are here to help each other

Dear Umair my cousin received the same email which Engineer received & Both have same problem of Ecas.


Hero Member
May 26, 2015
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Pic Request 16-April-15
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
07-Sep-2015-Ecas In Process
Med's Request
16-October-15 (RPRF , MR , PCC , Updated forms , PPR 1)
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
umair from where you find the email...? i recieved as same you mentioned.


Hero Member
May 26, 2015
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Pic Request 16-April-15
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
07-Sep-2015-Ecas In Process
Med's Request
16-October-15 (RPRF , MR , PCC , Updated forms , PPR 1)
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Engineer80 said:
Dear Malik

Could u please share ur ielts in each ( L,S,R,W)?

Could you explain us about email in you own wordings?

Does lvo is not satisfied with english ?

what did they demand for? They demanded for simple explanation letter for existing ilets score that how to survive in canada by less ilets or they have given chance to resit in ilets test for improvement. whats their motive in this concern?

What about ur lawyer in this situation? plz explain lawyer suggestion......

Please share the cousions timeline, noc code, occupation type O A B C D, province, category family/skilled worker, ielts score in each and expiry date , did he submitted ielts CIO /CIC ?

dear brother

check the email umair shared i recived the same with my data. i have shared my email with my lawer. i will share the answer of lawer with you once i recieved from him.


Hero Member
May 26, 2015
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Pic Request 16-April-15
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
07-Sep-2015-Ecas In Process
Med's Request
16-October-15 (RPRF , MR , PCC , Updated forms , PPR 1)
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
umair110 said:
malik please share your cousin s detail timeline as engineer asked

and please explain your email main points in your own words thouroughly

bro we are here to help each other

my cousin filled application on 17 oct 2014 & received AOR on 24 April 2015 but no ecas availibility yet.
he received the same email from cic which engineer received.


Hero Member
Jan 12, 2014
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
22-Jan-15 (CIC REC)
Doc's Request.
30-Nov-14 (MPNP)
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
with application
File Transfer...
2-Jun-15 (In Process)
Med's Request
02-Oct-15 (Medicals ,RPRF and updated chart)
Med's Done....
15-Oct-15 (med done ) , 23-Oct-15 (med rec)
Alhumdullilah Waived
Passport Req..
18-Nov-15, DM 19-Nov-15
Malik7785 said:
my cousin filled application on 17 oct 2014 & received AOR on 24 April 2015 but no ecas availibility yet.
he received the same email from cic which engineer received.
Malik bro its just an opinion for you in this email they simply explain and argue the logic that IELTS result can be conclusive to your NOC(occupation) as your intended occupation is Restuarant Manager (0631) so you need a high level language proficiency because you have to dealth with customers and subordinate staffs and other personals .. in his logic they said that CLB 4 is acceptable to a plumber or some profession who have less correspondence with customer or subordinate so according to immigration rules you have to provide your language ability according to your professional needs ....

Engineer that is almost same in your case and your drawback is another that your ielts has expire ....


Star Member
Jun 21, 2014
Dear Malik

Could u please share ur ielts score in each ( speaking / reading /listening /writing)? just want to know.......

Please share the cousions timeline, noc code, occupation type O A B C D, province, category family/skilled worker, ielts score in each and expiry date , did he submitted ielts CIO /CIC ?

In my case i did not get any email yet but i looking some other case like u people so that i may prepare for my ielts.......regards


Hero Member
Jan 12, 2014
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
22-Jan-15 (CIC REC)
Doc's Request.
30-Nov-14 (MPNP)
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
with application
File Transfer...
2-Jun-15 (In Process)
Med's Request
02-Oct-15 (Medicals ,RPRF and updated chart)
Med's Done....
15-Oct-15 (med done ) , 23-Oct-15 (med rec)
Alhumdullilah Waived
Passport Req..
18-Nov-15, DM 19-Nov-15
Malik7785 said:
my cousin filled application on 17 oct 2014 & received AOR on 24 April 2015 but no ecas availibility yet.
he received the same email from cic which engineer received.
malik whats his NOC code and whats his IELTS score in each section L ,R ,W ,S


Hero Member
May 26, 2015
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Pic Request 16-April-15
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
07-Sep-2015-Ecas In Process
Med's Request
16-October-15 (RPRF , MR , PCC , Updated forms , PPR 1)
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
umair110 said:
Malik bro its just an opinion for you in this email they simply explain and argue the logic that IELTS result can be conclusive to your NOC(occupation) as your intended occupation is Restuarant Manager (0631) so you need a high level language proficiency because you have to dealth with customers and subordinate staffs and other personals .. in his logic they said that CLB 4 is acceptable to a plumber or some profession who have less correspondence with customer or subordinate so according to immigration rules you have to provide your language ability according to your professional needs ....

Engineer that is almost same in your case and your drawback is another that your ielts has expire ....
yes you are right umair. i am waiting for my lawer's reply. i think i should reappear in the ielts in the given 90 days.


Hero Member
May 26, 2015
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Pic Request 16-April-15
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
07-Sep-2015-Ecas In Process
Med's Request
16-October-15 (RPRF , MR , PCC , Updated forms , PPR 1)
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Engineer80 said:
Dear Malik

Could u please share ur ielts score in each ( speaking / reading /listening /writing)? just want to know.......

Please share the cousions timeline, noc code, occupation type O A B C D, province, category family/skilled worker, ielts score in each and expiry date , did he submitted ielts CIO /CIC ?

In my case i did not get any email yet but i looking some other case like u people so that i may prepare for my ielts.......regards
My Ielts details are L 5, R 5 , W 5 , S 5.5 overall 5

My cousind noc code is also O and the job he offered is food service supervisor same as me.

we both are for SINP

my cousins IELTS details are L 6, R 4.5, W 5.5, S 6. overall 5.5