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plz help me

Oct 11, 2013
aoa! i m doing phd in Applied linguistics from china( cultural exchange scholarship) n i wana conduct my phd dissertation research on sociolinguistics' experiences of pakistani students in Canada......for this i need some volunteers in Canada to share their experiences with me (plz contact me)........n plz tell m how 2 get Canadian visa for phd research for 6 months???which documents r required?? .... w8ng 4 reply


Champion Member
Nov 10, 2010
Job Offer........
Why dont you do your research online why make all the effort to travel half way across the world for less than 6 months? Besides you are already an exchange student in China
Oct 11, 2013
newtone said:
Why dont you do your research online why make all the effort to travel half way across the world for less than 6 months? Besides you are already an exchange student in China

this research is for my phd dissertation and i'll hv 2 take interviews of pakistani sts for 30 to 40 min n for a quality research it must b face to face( nt online bt actual) coz based on these interviews i'll write my thesis.... i m doing Phd in English n china is nt a native speaking cntry i wana go 2 an English speaking cuntry no matter how long the stay will b ....for this purpose Canada is my first choice........there is a lot of research on international st in native speaking countries bt not on pakistani st.....by this research i'll tell the world to what extent r pakistani st different from others n what r the similarits n also highlight pakistani st' problms n their coping strategies.....


Champion Member
Nov 10, 2010
Job Offer........
If the interview needs to take place face to face have you considered Skype?
Oct 11, 2013
newtone said:
If the interview needs to take place face to face have you considered Skype?
thanks 4 ur qs ...they really make m prepared for VO qs.....

u knw when i wrote '' face 2 face'' ur supposed reply '' y not skype'' came to my mind..... v have all the material , video lessons, each n every thing then y do v go to universities? y v need teachers ? there are some ethics for research in every discipline ...in linguistics for the authenticity of research , researcher shud b present at the time of the research..its common-sensical if i am writing a thesis on students' experiences in a native country n i did all through internet using skype etc and if i myself never hv a personal experience then how cud i analyse the data ..... my own personal experience and others' ll make my research more authentic n reliable.... if i dont have resources to go there then i hv no right to do research on this topic n finally its 21st century i can go from 1 corner of the world 2 another in less thn 24 hours ...... w8ng 4 ur cmnt