Our case got refused
I need to know how do we appeal and how long it takes to win and how much it costs to appeal ? Do you think I will need lawyer? Who is a reasonable and good lawyer please someone answer me
So sorry to hear that.. that's really scary.taj p said:Our case got refusedI need to know how do we appeal and how long it takes to win and how much it costs to appeal ? Do you think I will need lawyer? Who is a reasonable and good lawyer please someone answer me
jpsant said:So sorry to hear that.. that's really scary.
Did you apply inland or Ouland? and why did they refuse ur application?
Didn't they tell you on a letter what to do next if you want to appeal?
rhcohen2014 said:generally, it's quicker and cheaper to just resubmit the application rather than appealing. An appeal can take years, is quite costly, and then you have to reapply anyway after that. If they are concerned about the legitimacy of your relationship, then focus on strengthening your proof of relationship. Showing time has been spent on developing the relationship will go a long way, and so would gathering better proof the second time around. obviously it's your choice, i just think if you can appease their concerns in a new application, then that is the best way to go about applying again
Any good lawyer in Toronto pls advise
Thank you rhcohenrhcohen2014 said:generally, it's quicker and cheaper to just resubmit the application rather than appealing. An appeal can take years, is quite costly, and then you have to reapply anyway after that. If they are concerned about the legitimacy of your relationship, then focus on strengthening your proof of relationship. Showing time has been spent on developing the relationship will go a long way, and so would gathering better proof the second time around. obviously it's your choice, i just think if you can appease their concerns in a new application, then that is the best way to go about applying again.