From OP6c
Full-time work
Pursuant to R73(1), “full-time work” means at least 30 hours of work over a period of one week, and pursuant to R73(2), “work” means an activity for which wages are paid or commission is earned.
The full-time work experience requirement for applicants in the Federal Skilled Worker Class may be met by the equivalent in part-time paid work experience (e.g. more than one part-time job held simultaneously or one or more part-time jobs held over the equivalent of at least one year of fulltime
work). However, the part-time work experience must have been accumulated over a continuous period pursuant to R75(2)(a).
Work experience can be calculated by adding up the number of continuous weeks of full-time (or equivalent in part-time) paid work (i.e. 30 hours per week in one full-time job, a combined total of at least 30 hours per week in more than one part-time job, 15 hours per week in one part-time job
over a period of two years, etc) in one or more skilled occupations at Skill Type 0 (Managerial occupations), Skill Level A (Professional occupations) or B (Technical occupations and skilled trades) of NOC 2011.
Note: Work in excess of 30 hours of paid work over a period of one week cannot compensate for less than one year of full-time work experience.