We are both in Egypt, ready to send the file but our problem is to understand how to make the payment. Can we send a Drafted Cheque or International Money Order with the file??? If yes do we fill form IMM 5401 ourselves?
The IMM5401 has to be ordered, it is not available online. I doubt they will mail it internationally, either.
You either need to pay the fees online via a credit card, or have someone in Canada get the form, pay it on your behalf at a financial institution and then send the validated receipt form to you.
To consolidate discussions, let me share my response on another thread of the OP's to this question:
OhCanadiana said:
Thank you for clarifying - Egypt's the key. There's a few exceptions (Iran's another one, for example). Your instructions are at http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/egypt-egypte/visas/fees-frais.aspx?view=d.
I would print a copy of the instructions page and attach them to your application to avoid confusion while your application is processed (given that it's a country-specific exception)
If you are paying using certified cheque (only in Canadian dollars), the certified cheque should be made payable to the: Receiver General for Canada.
Print your name on the back of the certified cheque.
Your payment must accompany your application.
Certified cheques must be drawn on a Canadian bank.
If you are paying through direct deposit in Egyptian pounds:
Fees should be deposited at any CITIBANK branch into Account # 502030515. Please make a copy of the receipt for your records and present the original at the Visa Section of the Canadian Embassy in Cairo.
Other instructions:
A receipt will be issued for each payment received. Please keep the receipt as proof of payment.
Processing fees are non-refundable regardless of the outcome of the application."