I would be happy to.
The offense occurred in the winter of 2014, and I was on probation until May 1st, 2015. I sent application to NYC consulate on May 1st. In July I got an email acknowledging receipt of my application in the middle of May (this disparity was confusing, but COVID-19...). I did not work with an attorney however I did have access to another individual who went through the TRP process. I could ask detailed questions about exactly what's needed, what sort of letters of reference are helpful, and even how to assemble the package.
I got my approval this morning.
My advice:
- it's helpful if you can speak with a previous applicant to better understand the checklist.
- Organize your packet as best you can. I put the checklist on top, and put a numbered table of contents right below
- For each item in the checklist, I took the number from my table of contents and put a post-it note with that number on it on the first page of the item. It appeared like a binder and the person reviewing could easily reference the documents (every little bit helps)
- Be honest, and be complete. If you went to college in a different state than you were residing, go ahead and get a state police clearance/criminal history from that state. List your dorm room addresses. Give them complete information so there are no gaps, any gaps could be deemed suspicious in my opinion.
- Check your checklist multiple times and make sure all documents are signed in the right place and have notarizations when needed
- Do not send incomplete paperwork. It took me forever to find one last item that I felt necessary. I started on this process as early as I could, the last piece of paperwork I thought was needed, I managed to pick up in person the day the world came to a halt (March 12th). Fortune favors the prepared, I suppose.
- Did you check your checklist multiple times?
- Track your application package. This was kind of harrowing in May when it was unclear if the IRCC in NYC was even open. The relief I felt in July when I got confirmation of receipt was quite a thing
Good luck, and be patient.