I ask all forum members to post links of LEGITIMATE job recruiting agencies throughout entire Canada.
Posting links to job sites may also be helpful, along with tips and recommendations how to proceed.
In my particular case:
I am currently abroad.
I am generally a SHY person, so networking is very bad method for me even in US, where I have lived all of my aduld life.
I can greatly excel at what I do (and I did get high marks whenever I worked on anything and tried hard), but NETWORKING is not my thing.
On top of it, I can't afford to travel to Canada just for the sake of "networking". I wish I was affluent enough to just take weeks off, stay in a nice hotel room and have lunch or dinner with all the random professionals in Canada I could find, but this is not something I realistically could afford, even if I was a PhD of networking
So, I basically need links to websites and may be some individual references where possible. (Ex. "Go to website XYZ.COM , submit resume and call recruiter ABC" and so on).
Any help would be appreciated. I am already in process of applying for jobs in Alberta Government through their website and I will be doing more of it in coming weeks and months.
Let this thread to be of help to anyone who comes to this forum with the same subject in their mind: what is the best place to look fr job in Canada?
Let's make this thread specifically for those users who , for one or another reason, also can not utilize NETWORKING , as suggested by many other members.
Networking is not for everyone, we are all different individuals with different personalities, and some of us may excel at it (like extraverts, people who love to socialize with strangers and etc.), but it will not work for great many of those who don't have that specific type of personality. But we do have skills and ability to excell at what we are hired to do. So, let this thread to be geared towards those who are NOT able to network, and still looking for a job in Canada.
Any suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated!