hi evry one really i am so lost and i dont know what i can do my application is in paris from june 2011.they say in the website that the procees time in paris is just 8 month but for me i dont know whay it take to long(18 FROM THE FIRST DAY WE SENT OUR APPLICATION)and(16 MONTH FROM THE FIRST DAY MY APPLICATION WAS RECIVED IN PARIS).i try to email them me and my wife so much times but now respond.i really dont undrestand its to heard for me my wife and my daughter to be far my daughter is 8 moths now i never see her in person just on skype and pict...i done my second medecal test in the last june 2012 and till now i dont hear any thing please i need edvices and if some one get in the same setuation my wife is sick of weiting and she is alone with our daughter i am not asking foe some thing impossible its my right to leave with my famelly its my right to leave with her and my daughter its my right but it became a dream and so hard dream to make it reality so please if any one know what i can do to please edvice me if any one had experience i need his or her help please...my wife think to cancel the application and come leave with me in my contry but because her dad and mom are a old peapls and both of them are sick and she is the only one can take care about them she cant leave them to and she cant be any more awy from me...we really dont knwo what we can do speacially that we dont get any respond when we email the visa office please help...