MEC/R87.1: - Authorized NOC 0,A,B workanarsoul said:Actually, topic starter's application has been sent for completeness check (see "Application sent for R10") - it doesn't mean that completeness check was done. E.g. I have "R10 OK" in notes - it means that completeness check was done and application is complete.
experience within QP: 2014/07/03 to 2016/07/03 - Category of work permit: LMO - Post-secondary studies in
Canada: University WORK EXPERIENCE 1: - WORK PERIOD: JUL2014 TO LOCK-IN (Full time) - WORK TITLE/ NOC: FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR (NOC: 6311) - EMPLOYER: xxxxxx LOE DATE: 27JUL2015 - LOE: confirm(s) date(s) of employment, position title, Salary of xxx Both a T4 and a NOA from 2014 show(s) reported earnings of xxxAPPLICABLE POSITIVE CONDITIONS: - WORK PERIOD (1yr in last 3): APPEARS MET - Web-based search conducted - Employer information verified **Lead Statement and Main Duties appear to be met** Additional Notes: PAYSTUBS ON FILE ***MEC/R87.1: Appears MET*** CRIMINALITY: PA: - RCMP Screening: No
reportable trace - Police Certificates - India: No reportable trace Spouse/Common-Law:- Police Certificates -
India: No reportable traceMEDICALS: - Valid
RECOMMENDATION Appears to meet A11.2 & R87.1 requirement
Any idea how long after that