I have my legal name changed from marriage name back to my maiden name when I visited my home country in Dec. 2014, but my PR card was going to expired in Nov. 2015 by that time. I had submitted the PR card renewal application form and related documents to reflect this change in Dec. 2015. Recently, I just received my renewal PR card, but it still remains the same name (marriage name) as my previous PR card. I am now so worried because my name on my Passport and PR card are not the name and I plan to travel again by the end of this year.
My questions is...
1. Was it the CIC's mistake? In this case I will submit "Request to Reissue a Permanent Resident Card" Application form ... or
2. Did CIC make it on purpose? I am not sure after I red the back of enclosed PR card letter, it said "The information on your PR card is taken from the information on your Confirmation of Permanent Residence or your Record of Landing Form (which it was using my marriage name)
3. Referring to the question no. 1, in the Guide 5530 - Request to reissue a PR card (IMM5530),
What information cannot be corrected with this application?
CIC will not reissue a card to modify information that:
changed after you became a permanent resident; or
changed after the PR card was issued to you; or
is not due to an error made by CIC.
Such information could include but is not limited to:
Legal name change
Name change after marriage or divorce
Name change after adoption
If you wish to change this information, you will have to apply for a new card using the application kit Applying for a Permanent Resident Card (IMM 5445).
***According to this above information in the Guide 5530, if I apply for a new PR Card, instead of a renewal PR Card, CIC will count it as a new comer and need another 5 years to apply for the Citizenship??? Or, I just submit it and checked mark on the section "Option Your First PR Card" but my resident time still remain the same?
4. According to the Request to Amend Record of Landing, Confirmation of Permanent Residence or Valid Temporary Resident Documents (IMM 5218),
What information will not be corrected?
Your Record of Landing (IMM 1000) or your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688) is not an identity document. Therefore, it will not be amended to correct personal information that changed after the date permanent residence was granted. This includes:
legal name change
name change after marriage or divorce
Requests for these types of changes should go to the Registrar General of the province or territory in which you live.
Any amendments must conform to the department’s policy on names which stipulates that the name indicated on the bar code of your passport when you entered Canada will be used for your immigration file and documents. If the name on your Record of Landing or Confirmation of Permanent Residence matches the passport you used to enter Canada, your immigration records will not be amended.
***I have checked and found these 2 the Registrar General in BC
1. vitalcertificates.ca/british-columbia/change-of-name-certificate/
2. gov.bc.ca/gov/content/life-events/legal-changes-of-name/legal-change-of-name-application
***Am I in the right track? If so, which one should I contact? Or, I could be wrong?
5. If I keep my PR Card and Passport in a different name, and change after I got a Citizenship, that would be easier?
6. As far as I knew from other information, carrying the marriage cert. while boarding can solve the problem, does it also apply in my case?
7. Which option should I go for? or any other suggestions are very welcomed. Kindly help asap.
Totally, I am really appreciated in your valuable time in considering my problem until now. Hopefully, any reply on my issue will be a case study for others who are facing my same problem and found the right way to solve it as soon as possible.
****Many thanks & Best regards to all responses in advance****

My questions is...
1. Was it the CIC's mistake? In this case I will submit "Request to Reissue a Permanent Resident Card" Application form ... or
2. Did CIC make it on purpose? I am not sure after I red the back of enclosed PR card letter, it said "The information on your PR card is taken from the information on your Confirmation of Permanent Residence or your Record of Landing Form (which it was using my marriage name)
3. Referring to the question no. 1, in the Guide 5530 - Request to reissue a PR card (IMM5530),
What information cannot be corrected with this application?
CIC will not reissue a card to modify information that:
changed after you became a permanent resident; or
changed after the PR card was issued to you; or
is not due to an error made by CIC.
Such information could include but is not limited to:
Legal name change
Name change after marriage or divorce
Name change after adoption
If you wish to change this information, you will have to apply for a new card using the application kit Applying for a Permanent Resident Card (IMM 5445).
***According to this above information in the Guide 5530, if I apply for a new PR Card, instead of a renewal PR Card, CIC will count it as a new comer and need another 5 years to apply for the Citizenship??? Or, I just submit it and checked mark on the section "Option Your First PR Card" but my resident time still remain the same?
4. According to the Request to Amend Record of Landing, Confirmation of Permanent Residence or Valid Temporary Resident Documents (IMM 5218),
What information will not be corrected?
Your Record of Landing (IMM 1000) or your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688) is not an identity document. Therefore, it will not be amended to correct personal information that changed after the date permanent residence was granted. This includes:
legal name change
name change after marriage or divorce
Requests for these types of changes should go to the Registrar General of the province or territory in which you live.
Any amendments must conform to the department’s policy on names which stipulates that the name indicated on the bar code of your passport when you entered Canada will be used for your immigration file and documents. If the name on your Record of Landing or Confirmation of Permanent Residence matches the passport you used to enter Canada, your immigration records will not be amended.
***I have checked and found these 2 the Registrar General in BC
1. vitalcertificates.ca/british-columbia/change-of-name-certificate/
2. gov.bc.ca/gov/content/life-events/legal-changes-of-name/legal-change-of-name-application
***Am I in the right track? If so, which one should I contact? Or, I could be wrong?
5. If I keep my PR Card and Passport in a different name, and change after I got a Citizenship, that would be easier?
6. As far as I knew from other information, carrying the marriage cert. while boarding can solve the problem, does it also apply in my case?
7. Which option should I go for? or any other suggestions are very welcomed. Kindly help asap.
Totally, I am really appreciated in your valuable time in considering my problem until now. Hopefully, any reply on my issue will be a case study for others who are facing my same problem and found the right way to solve it as soon as possible.
****Many thanks & Best regards to all responses in advance****