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Please help me


Feb 1, 2009

I have a question and I would appreciate any feedback I get.

I am a Canadian citizen, three years ago I went back to my country of origin and got married to my best friend from childhood. That is when our trouble started. As my now husband went to get his criminal record which is required for him to apply for passport he was told there is a case pending against him. This is something that happened in 2001 that he didn't even know existed. Since then I have been traveling back and fourth as he was unable to receive his passport until this case was done. The thing is that its not a big offense and the prosecutor has no case against people involved in this because its mostly he said she said. Now the thing is that the prosecutor is out looking for more evidence for the past two years. This case is just sitting on one of their file cabinets as our life is turning into a nightmare. I had a baby in a meantime that I came to Canada to give birth to.

I have couple of questions,

Is there anything Canadian embassy can do to start this process?

If this case does come to an end (hopefully) in the near future will I have to put this on my sponsorship papers and If so, which dates will I put the criminal offense happened. 2001 or whenever this case will be closed?

Also does it help that I had my baby here in Canada when it comes to sponsoring somebody with a criminal record? I am sure that he will be found guilty since he lives in country that has no idea what evidence stands for

I thank for any feedback


Star Member
Dec 23, 2008
You can't do anything until it is resolved. If you apply anyway, they will suspend the application pending the outcome. If I were you, I'd get a lawyer and have him/her lean on the prosecutor to either proceed with the case or drop it. Depending on your country's laws, he should have the right to a trial within a reasonable amount of time.

As for what to put on the application, just answer the questions truthfully. They will find out about it anyway. Depending on the offence, he may not be eligible for PR until a certain about of time has elapsed since final completion of the sentence/probation imposed or a pardon has been issued.


Feb 1, 2009
We have a lawyer but there isn't much he can do. The judge on this case is also outraged on how long this has been going on. But there is nothing anybody can do.

Do you think that since it happened such a long time ago they will take that into consideration and do you think I should get a lawyer here in Canada that could argue on how long it took them to get the case into the court. It has been 8 years now and if it was done when it just happened enough time would have passed by.

Thank you for your reply