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Please help me out....got a question regarding LMIA


Hero Member
Jan 4, 2015
Rohit Nayak said:
IrishIan....yes my employer paind 1000$ for my LMIA....... I will be going for a immigration consultant i guess......

AshesNdust.....yes haha I am the same guy....ya I will be talking to the lawyer .... what is ur status ? are you eligible ?
I ended up going to a different company which offered me a staff position. So, I got the permanent job offer from them. The only issue that cropped up was that the new company didn't bother with the LMIA as I apparently fall under NAFTA. I just told them what the issue was and they were willing to pay the $1000 for the LMIA to get attached to my work permit. Got the positive LMIA last month. I did ask if I needed to do another flagpoling run, but was told that I didn't have to get a new permit as the LMIA can be attached the one I just got. This might be because it was a new job. I'm not sure if you can do it at a company which already gave a contract with a previous LMIA. That's a question for the lawyers.
I was actually surprised they could get NAFTA for me because the two other places I worked at both got me LMOs. So, I just assumed I had to get them. Maybe now that they are $1000 instead of $275 more companies are avoiding them.


Hero Member
Jan 4, 2015
susana said:
What do you mean the lmai can be "attached" to the other work permit ? The programs are diferent. This is odd.
You may use the lmia for the EE profile to claim a permanent job offer but I'm positive that an LMIA cannot be attached to a Nafta wp. Be careful and apply for a new wp with the LMIA before it expires, you will be granted a new wp for another year.
According to the lawyers, the LMIA can be filed for a permit that doesn't have one already, at least that's my understanding of what they said. You cannot get a new LMIA for a permit that already has one. In that case you would have to get a new permit. Sorry if I can't be more clear, I'm not a lawyer so I could be miss stating what was said to me. Basically, I was told that the LMIA is linked to the job and since I qualified for the job with or without the LMIA and I don't need to get the new permit. The LMIA is good for 6 months, so I'm not worried about it expiring. Also, my permit is good for 3 years. I've actually got another LMO wp that was good for 3 years that still got about 1.5 years on it and another LMO wp that's good for another few months.
The LMIA is for the permanent job, that's the job I got the permit for, it's listed as such on the job offer submitted for the wp. Normally, you would get a LMIA for my job as it's a closed wp. I'll check in with the lawyers again and see if I can get a better explanation and I'll pass it along. I plan on having them look at my profile before I submit it.


Hero Member
Jan 19, 2015
Toronto Ontario, Canada
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
April 7, 2015
ITA April 10
AOR Received.
AOR April 10
Passport Req..
Oct 13, 2015
November 2, 2015
November 11, 2015
Rohit Nayak said:
I am currently working and I have an LMIA which is valid only till April 2015...

This is what I filled in my profile info:

Does Rohit Nayak have a job offer in Canada? - YES

Is this job offer for full-time non-seasonal and permanent work? - NO

Is this job offer for full-time continuous work and at least one year? - NO

Is Rohit Nayak currently working in Canada? - YES

Was a positive Labour Market Information Assessment (LMIA) issued for the current work permit? - YES

Does Rohit Nayak have a valid work permit for the current job in Canada? - YES


this gives me 0 points for job section (CSR) .....so my overall score is 301
As my LMIA and job are contract based....does it mean I am not eligible for express entry...Am I doing something wrong ?
You have got 0 point , because CSR is "C" category job. This LMO will not work for you, even though if it is full time permanent job. You have to have o, A, B category job in order to qualify Economic immigrant.