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PLEASE HELP ME! How can I report immigration fraud truly anonymously?


Oct 24, 2009
I am a working woman and my ex-boyfriend is holding PGWP work permit. He not only cheated on me, he also gets me and another 2 girls he going secret with pregnant and aborted. He curse me and then come back to beg for my forgiveness. I heard this also happened to other 2 girls as well.
He is piece of garbage. I try to run away from him but somehow seem he can always find me and beg me to come back.

After he graduated from college he never bothers to find a work to support himself. It was me lending him money to keep his living. Next year his PGWP is going to expire (11/20/2010). I know last year he paid for a fake job. He paid the illegal immigration agent and the agent found him a shadow company and "pay" him every months in check, so he have tax record in CRA. In fact he never worked for that company, but I see the illegal immigration agent prepared him a folder of "work document" to deal with CIC check.

The illegal immigration agent is very sly. There was no contract what so ever, the meeting place is usually in a taxi.

My only hope to get away from him is report his fake document to CIC and let CIC refuse his application and eventually send him back to Mexico. I have his phone bill and apartment lease contract photocopy with his name / address on it to show he is never worked for his shadow company. (His fake company located 4 hours from my city and during the period he supposed to "work" for that company he was living with me full time.)

Is there any way to report his fraud anonymously? How anonymous exactly is the reporting mechanism? He knows the CAIPS file check and I believe he would do a check if his immigration is refused. Even CAIPS don’t mention my name. A single piece of detail on phone bill would sell me a thousand times! If the immigration officer is dumb enough he might get asked "did you live at XXXX address during XXXX"

If he find out I sell him he will kill me for sure!!!

I am so afraid, please everyone help me!


Full Member
Oct 18, 2009
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Instead of making this an immigration issue, can I suggest that you seek out help from the police and maybe get a restraining order against him? That would keep him away from you.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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You should really call CIC and ask. They may not be able to guarantee that you will remain nameless. Also if you provide documents as evidence that only you have access to, he will figure out it was you. What you could do is send an anonymous letter with this information to CIC and tell them to ask the guy to provide proof (phonebills, bank information etc.) that he's living in that city/working for that company. Then he will not know if you told on him or one of his other girlfriends. Anonymous letter might however not be taken as seriously since I am sure CIC gets a lot of complaints from people who have a grudge against someone.


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Why don't you just get a letter of restraining order from police instead of starting what you cannot finished, who knows if CIC would even find out that e has a shadow job. Please play save and don't endanger yourself. I am sure you know this anonymous more tha us all.

Please be careful


Star Member
Oct 15, 2009
If there is evidence of an immigration Act violation you would need to contact CBSA - Canada Border Services Agency. They actually enforce the Immigration act.

Just contact your local CBSA - Immigration Inland Enforcement office.

And yes they can keep your information confidential.


Hero Member
Jun 13, 2009
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Why on earth will you do these to someone why dont you just say to him you dont want him straight forward am sure canad is a liberal country if he hurts you could report to the police !!! Or get refrain order !! Why wash your dirty linen in public where is your decency unless u just want to hurt him the truth remain you old enough makes those choices with him


Champion Member
Sep 3, 2009
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Because he is breaking the law and violating common decency. I think it is highly inappropriate for you to suggest that she should help the man get away with criminal behavior.

sasha18 said:
Why on earth will you do these to someone why dont you just say to him you dont want him straight forward am sure canad is a liberal country if he hurts you could report to the police !!! Or get refrain order !! Why wash your dirty linen in public where is your decency unless u just want to hurt him the truth remain you old enough makes those choices with him


You need to move on and leave the man alone. Do not try to get even. Leave him alone , live goes on.


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Sep 14, 2008
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just be honest with him and let him go, that's my opinion


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Sep 9, 2009
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beibei said:
I am a working woman and my ex-boyfriend is holding PGWP work permit. He not only cheated on me, he also gets me and another 2 girls he going secret with pregnant and aborted. He curse me and then come back to beg for my forgiveness. I heard this also happened to other 2 girls as well.
He is piece of garbage. I try to run away from him but somehow seem he can always find me and beg me to come back.

After he graduated from college he never bothers to find a work to support himself. It was me lending him money to keep his living. Next year his PGWP is going to expire (11/20/2010). I know last year he paid for a fake job. He paid the illegal immigration agent and the agent found him a shadow company and "pay" him every months in check, so he have tax record in CRA. In fact he never worked for that company, but I see the illegal immigration agent prepared him a folder of "work document" to deal with CIC check.

The illegal immigration agent is very sly. There was no contract what so ever, the meeting place is usually in a taxi.

My only hope to get away from him is report his fake document to CIC and let CIC refuse his application and eventually send him back to Mexico. I have his phone bill and apartment lease contract photocopy with his name / address on it to show he is never worked for his shadow company. (His fake company located 4 hours from my city and during the period he supposed to "work" for that company he was living with me full time.)

Is there any way to report his fraud anonymously? How anonymous exactly is the reporting mechanism? He knows the CAIPS file check and I believe he would do a check if his immigration is refused. Even CAIPS don't mention my name. A single piece of detail on phone bill would sell me a thousand times! If the immigration officer is dumb enough he might get asked "did you live at XXXX address during XXXX"

If he find out I sell him he will kill me for sure!!!

I am so afraid, please everyone help me!
You are not afraid of him... his only harm to you was being unfaithful and you are being evil by using his immigration status to get back at him.
If he did not sleep with other women, you would be harboring his illegal activities. The police will ask you if he abused you and you have to tell the truth "NO"
They will ask if he abused the system and the answer is "YES"
They will also ask, why did you not say something when it happened - instead of waiting until he is of no use to you.
You are an accessory to fraud in some way and if he is going down, he can carry you with him - you had knowledge to a crime and the person who committed it.

Lady, or whomever you are, it is situation like these that makes it bad for honest people.

I suggest you seek counseling for your emotional troubles, put a restraining order on him and if you get the Law involved, deal with all circumstances.

He is a threat to the Law, not you.