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Please help - about NOC (Especially Account Manager please help)

Nov 13, 2020
Hi guys,

I'm in the middle of filling up the EE profile. But the NOC is really confusing that I cannot locate a proper one for my job.

I'm a Account Manager/Relationship Manager at an internet company. I'm not a people manager but an individual contributor. So I guess NOC 0601 does not fit me? And NOC 1123 is for account manager at advertising, marketing and public relations, which seems to be not a good fit too because ad sales is just maybe 20% of my current job duties (even though my first job is 100% ad sales)

Could you please suggest which NOC I should go for?

Appreciate your help!


Nov 11, 2021
Hi, what did you end up doing? I'm working as an Associate Account Manager, and am not able to identify my NOC either :/