your right guys
well my case is i m waitin for buffalo to finish my process and then get my passport request.
it s been since november 2009 when they have started my process. and then they send me the AOR where i can see my number files, i received nothing about interviw , actuallay i m livin in quebec with my wife, CSQ received, all fees payed , no documents missed i wish , medical result received on november too as my CSQ same periode.
but i still waitin for news , nothin till now
then junuary 2010 i recieved a letter from buffalo askin me where and what i was doing during certain date
i faxed them the papaer after i fill in it the day after . ( that s allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll from them )
i emailed them 2 months ago askin about the statut of my application they said :
that they are askin other guvermont office about my background and they cant tell me when they will finish process
i asked them after if i have to redo my medical ( cos it s expired on june 2010 ) they answer me back that they forward my demande to the team who processing my application to see what i have to do and thank me for the information !!!!!!
that s it , that s all !!
well if i m countin from november when buffalo start processin my application , i m on the month 10 for the process
. well the post i put forst it was the same what happen to me ( received a paper asking where i am in certain date wnd what i was doing ) ,, was lookin for somone who may be has an idea about what s happenin
thanx a lot for your reponse and help
goood luck friends