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Planning to give birth in Canada.. please help


Champion Member
Sep 29, 2009
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15 July 2011
Peter Rabbit said:
Either this, or there will be cuts in other areas.
Two years ago, I did not get any chalk at the beginning of the school year = not sufficient funds (while the costs of school supplies are increasing, our school needs are not decreasing). So, I bought some with my own money – I just did not see how I could go through an academic school year without chalk (such a basic thing). Also, I did not want to go through the headache of getting approval to get the money from the activity fees (in our school board, actually in many school boards in Ontario, parents pay some $30/child at the beginning of the school year).
I value education and health, and I strongly believe that many of us do. They are priceless. We all need them so much. We can not cut any more into these two major areas without facing serious repercussions.
So, resources are scarce in the education system as well as the health-care system, and there is no slack or surplus for foreigners to come in and use up without any intention if staying and helping out by paying taxes.


Champion Member
Nov 10, 2010
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Before diverting topics I just have one question for the person who posted this thread

Lets say you are a hard working mother diligently paying your taxes giving all choices to your kids because you immigrated here legally. Now you come to know people are coming into your country, giving birth cause they think their kids have some disease thats not curable in their own country. The government decides to increase your taxes to compensate for the influx of people from outside giving birth in your country without paying taxes. Now as a mother you are no longer able to give those choices to your children because most of your money is going towards increased taxes. How would that make you feel? We all came here as immigrants at some point in time, we are all here working hard to provide a better future for or kids, the only time this is a problem is when someone abuses the system. Every penny counts for some of us as we are trying to make ends meet. If you want to know what to do, please apply for Canadian immigration, come here legally, pay taxes and give your kids a brighter future. Logically this makes sense to me and I am sure majority will agree.


Jul 30, 2011
newtone said:
Before diverting topics I just have one question for the person who posted this thread

Lets say you are a hard working mother diligently paying your taxes giving all choices to your kids because you immigrated here legally. Now you come to know people are coming into your country, giving birth cause they think their kids have some disease thats not curable in their own country. The government decides to increase your taxes to compensate for the influx of people from outside giving birth in your country without paying taxes. Now as a mother you are no longer able to give those choices to your children because most of your money is going towards increased taxes. How would that make you feel? We all came here as immigrants at some point in time, we are all here working hard to provide a better future for or kids, the only time this is a problem is when someone abuses the system. Every penny counts for some of us as we are trying to make ends meet. If you want to know what to do, please apply for Canadian immigration, come here legally, pay taxes and give your kids a brighter future. Logically this makes sense to me and I am sure majority will agree.
Some times when youre in a shock of having a child with a critical health state you dont always think of matters logically from all aspect.
youre right, and I do feel bad about this.. This is not the way I was brought up to use privilege of others. We are now actually considering either legally immigrating or probably look into other countries that have good yet affordable health care.
but if I were you (as a canadian citizen) I would defiantly start a campaign about this and make the canadian government put an end to this type of citizenship. (I wouldnt approve of it either in my country).
Another thing you all need to know is that if youre not a taxpayer (i.e. permanent resident of canada) then you are not entitled to free medical care. I dont know whats the case of children because anyways theyre not tax payers but their families are..


Champion Member
Sep 29, 2009
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Hong Kong
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October 2009 and 15 April 2011
4 April 2011
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4 April 2011
7 July 2011
15 July 2011
Desmania said:
Some times when youre in a shock of having a child with a critical health state you dont always think of matters logically from all aspect.
youre right, and I do feel bad about this.. This is not the way I was brought up to use privilege of others. We are now actually considering either legally immigrating or probably look into other countries that have good yet affordable health care.
but if I were you (as a canadian citizen) I would defiantly start a campaign about this and make the canadian government put an end to this type of citizenship. (I wouldnt approve of it either in my country).
Another thing you all need to know is that if youre not a taxpayer (i.e. permanent resident of canada) then you are not entitled to free medical care. I dont know whats the case of children because anyways theyre not tax payers but their families are..
I think that the baby would have to be registered in a medical plan by the parents, who could not do so unless they were residents for at least 6 months a year (in Ontario and B.C. at any rate), and this amount of time in Canada would render them taxpayers.


Aug 3, 2011
Desmania said:
ok so I am pregnant and planning to travel to canada to give birth. Obtaining a visiting visa is not a problem for me. What i'm worried about is :
- Once I reach canada will I be deported back because i'm pregnant or will i be refused to enter the country?
I am not looking for a residency or citizenship just a citizenship for my baby. Once we're done with that i shall be heading back home. the main reason why I need citizenship for my child is to guarantee free medical health care for the baby (only the baby) so:
- I also need to make sure and know if any canadian citizen regardless of the state of the parents with be given a free medical healthcare? or do the parents need to obtain a health insurance like is the case in USA?

Are you serious?! I'm American and this is the same problem we have here in the states! You'll want us to take care of your children for status. Get out of here!!


Aug 3, 2011
Desmania said:
Well the canadian government should've thought of that before making this type of immigration legal! it is not my fault that I am looking for the best for my child! My unborn child is diagnosed with a critical health condition that the cure for it is not available in my county and the cost of this type of treatment abroad exceeds my financial abilities. What would you do if you were in my position?
Once again, abuse of the SYSTEM! And you have the nerve to get SMART about it. You are lucky that I'm not a border officer....