I have a question about Q.9a of the citizenship application form. It asks you to put the 'To' date from the online physical presence calculator. My question: Is the To date the 'application date' on the online calculator or is it the last date of the eligibility period?
The online physical presence calculator generated an eligibility period for me based on my information. This eligibility period is From 30.01.16 To 29.01.21. And my application date is 30.01.2021.
However, on the citizenship application Q.9a asks to put the 'To' date from the calculator (i.e. 29.01.21) on a box. When I am entering the To date in the specified box on the form, the form is automatically generating a From Date which is 29.01.16. So according to the form the eligibility period is 29.01.16 - 29.01.21. However, according to the online calculator it's 30.01.16 - 29.01.21. Will this create any confusion?
Can someone tell me what date you put as the To date (Q.9a) on the citizenship application form from the online calculator?