It must depend on the case. A thousand photos seems excessive - unless you have been together for an extremely long time. These were the questions we asked ourselves when we were putting together our application: what is each photo contributing to our application? What is our visa officer going to conclude from going through 1000 photos that he or she won't conclude from a well-selected group of 200 photos? Our visa officer doesn't need to see the same idea from three different angles. I had to tell my partner that the visa officer wasn't going to appreciate how good his hair looked in that one photo because what good is it if s/he can't see my face!
We had 6000 photos from our wedding but we only submitted about 50 from the wedding itself because we didn't think the VO needed to see every single ritual that we went through, but we did show a variety of the rituals from our wedding, photos that showed the amount of guests in attendance, and most importantly, photos where we looked happy. Believe me, we were not running at 100% happiness on our wedding day because our families were driving us insane, but we remember the exact moments of happiness and luckily we had photographers to capture those moments. We also included various outings we took together at different times (including boring stuff like when we went to Superdrug!), our honeymoon, our trips together, when I met his family for the first time, when we registered our marriage at the registrar, and so on. Hopefully our decision will be effective, plus we have a lot of extra photos we can show on demand at the interview.
As to how I prepared the photos - I turned our photos into a Powerpoint presentation (captions underneath) and depending on the orientation of the photos, printed two or four slides to a page on matte paper from my home printer.