Same here, American/Canadian couple. We had a very straightforward, simple story. We met because he lived in my state for four years for work. Were together a year and a half before we were married. I was divorced two years before meeting him. He had never married previously, and we have no children.
For our "proof," I created a word document. In the document there were (ONLY!) 8 photos. With the photos, I typed up a timeline. "We met in September 2010. Here we are preparing to go parasailing during our first vacation together, Mexico, November 2010. Our next vacation was in Jamaica, April 2011. Here we are at our favourite spot by the poolside bar." Etc. Only one photo shows us with family, a photo of me, him, his mom and dad, and his brother and brother's date at a military ball we attended. The rest show only the two of us. One photo was of our wedding, but we married at the courthouse with only three friends present as witnesses (he was in jeans!), so it wasn't like they were formal wedding photos. I explained in the text that his parents lived too far away, and my parents were working, and that the ceremony itself was not important to us, that we were very informal people, and that we didn't have the time, energy, or money to plan a large wedding, especially as he had just returned from an overseas deployment and had to immediately start planning the move to his next posting.
The document was only 4 pages long. The only other proof we included was three travel itineraries, two showing us traveling together, and one showing me traveling alone to where he was deployed. Despite having a joint bank account, insurance policies listing both of us, and a joint phone plan, we didn't include any of that. :-/ I thought our life choices showed that I had NOTHING to gain and everything to lose by following him to Canada...with the exception of getting to continue to share my life with my best friend (we moved to a very French area of Québec, and I spoke no French at the time). I concluded the document with the following:
In the instructions on form IMM 5285, it states that I should share any additional details that prove that my relationship with Quinton is genuine and continuing. I think my current situation illustrates the depth of my love for and commitment to my husband. I'm an American living in the Saguenay. I left my home and all of my family and friends for a strange life as a military spouse in a land where I now have to struggle to learn French. This is a beautiful region, but daily life is often a challenge as I take French courses and work to adjust to a very different culture and language. If I was not fully dedicated to my husband, I would not have attempted to make a new life in a land so different from my own. When he got posted to CFB Bagotville, I only had two choices. Follow him, learn French, and learn to love the new land where I live, or let the love of my life walk away from me. So really, I had no choice at all.
I felt so STUPID and so nervous as the months of waiting dragged on, and as I learned more here and read about the MOUNTAINS of proof others had sent. However, I was stressed out for no reason. We were not contacted for an interview, and CIC didn't request any additional proof. Luckily, we Americans tend to be under a bit less scrutiny than many other foreign nationals.
I say all of that to say, you should be fine. If not, the worst that will happen is that you'll be asked to supply a bit more proof. I seriously doubt that they'd want an interview unless you have some major red flags, and honestly, I doubt they even ask for more proof. Ottawa has been FLYING through apps lately, so hopefully you'll hear something sooner, rather than later. (We were dummies and applied inland, which took a year, but that's a whole other discussion about how stupid I was when we started this process, haha.)