I have mentioned this before, but here goes again:
These verification calls, while they may be legit, are certainly not standard practice.
Therefore, be very cautious if you receive a call like this.
Don't provide any private information unless the caller has established his/her identify. The best way to do this is to (politely) ask them for your application number or UCI number. Anyone from CIC working on your file must have this. If they don't, it is a fake call.
Other things that should have the alarm bells ringing include:
- Caller asking you to make immediate payment over the phone, through Western Union or via some other dubious website. CIC will not ask you to pay via these methods
- Caller pressuring you into signing consulting contracts or your application will be refused (these are obviously fake)
- Caller asking you for bank details or credit card details "for verification"
- Caller claiming you have violated an immigration law and you must pay a fine to avoid application refusal / deportation
Read more here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/2015-06-30.asp
There are many scam artists out there, and you can be sure they mine this forum for information. And people happily provide it - here is just one example of pages and pages of phone numbers that people voluntarily post on a public forum, sometimes even with their real names:
I'll say it again because it bears repeating: don't publicly post your phone number, email address or your name on this forum. You're inviting trouble.
Use aliases and the private messaging function if you want to be added to a Whatsapp group.