As far as I know, you are allowed to work only when you are full time student. If you worked when you are part time student, that is not good..Hi. I am currently in a master’s program at the university of Waterloo. The fall term in 2019 was meant to be my last term and hence I took it as a part time term. However I failed a course due to which I had to take an extra term tHat i am currently doing in winter 2020 ( no breaks). Since I only had one course, I was registered as a part time student again. I was also workings part time during both terms. Now while I have been told by the university’s immigration team that I can write a letter of explanation for this unfortunate situation, is there anyway for me to actually pgwp?
I think having part time at the last two semesters is not a problem in your case. You need to explain why you had to work during part time semesters..
I am not sure if immigration officers will find your work history but it can be issue.