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PGWP Holder: Some questions about the questionnaire of the EE


Full Member
Feb 8, 2015
Hi everyone,

I just submitted my EE profile. I had a couple of questions that perhaps you guys can help me to solve. First, I would like to share with you a little bit about my status/experience in Canada.

I came to Canada almost 7 years ago. I did a Bachelor of Commerce at UVIC and graduated in 2012. That year, I got the Post-graduate-work permit (PGWP) for three years which will expire in August of 2015. I moved to Toronto since I got a job offer from a multinational (where I had previously done an co-op/internship). I worked at that company for 2 years and 2 months (up to October 2014). I started at a new role in a different multinational that same month and it is my current employer.

I am sure that many of you are in a similar situation. PGWP holders who already have the required experience, but that time is running out since the new EE system requires you to get an invitation. I am somewhat concern about not getting an ITA before my work permit expires. However, I am a little optimistic since I know that the second draw dropped the minimum points a little bit.

Anyway, I just submitted the profile under the EE and have 463 points. Hopefully that will help. My questions are the following ones:

1) Country of residence: I heard the definition of residence is over 6 months living in a country, so I put Canada. Can someone please confirm if that was the correct answer? Or should I change it to my country of residence since I am under a PGWP status?

2) Intended Work in Canada: Under this forum, they ask - "Does X has a job offer in Canada?". I was very confused with this question since CIC usually refers to "job offer" as a qualified (LMIA based) job. So in the meantime I put no. However, and as I said before, I am currently working at a job which has a qualified NOC. Should I change my answer to "Yes"?

3) After completing the questionnaire and getting my score, I noted that I was qualified under CEC. However, I also noted that I did not qualify under Federal Skilled Worker. I thought that since I have 2 years of work experience (all in Canada) I should be able to qualify for CEC AND Federal Skilled Worker. Not like I care that much since I am focusing in applying under the CEC, but I was just curious. Any thoughts?

4) Does anyone know if any points are added for.. lets say.. I put 2 years (old job) and 4 months (and counting - from my current job).. do I get points only on a BY YEAR basis or do months also add some points?


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Feb 5, 2015
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alfredo_245 said:
Hi everyone,

I just submitted my EE profile. I had a couple of questions that perhaps you guys can help me to solve. First, I would like to share with you a little bit about my status/experience in Canada.

I came to Canada almost 7 years ago. I did a Bachelor of Commerce at UVIC and graduated in 2012. That year, I got the Post-graduate-work permit (PGWP) for three years which will expire in August of 2015. I moved to Toronto since I got a job offer from a multinational (where I had previously done an co-op/internship). I worked at that company for 2 years and 2 months (up to October 2014). I started at a new role in a different multinational that same month and it is my current employer.

I am sure that many of you are in a similar situation. PGWP holders who already have the required experience, but that time is running out since the new EE system requires you to get an invitation. I am somewhat concern about not getting an ITA before my work permit expires. However, I am a little optimistic since I know that the second draw dropped the minimum points a little bit.

Anyway, I just submitted the profile under the EE and have 463 points. Hopefully that will help. My questions are the following ones:

1) Country of residence: I heard the definition of residence is over 6 months living in a country, so I put Canada. Can someone please confirm if that was the correct answer? Or should I change it to my country of residence since I am under a PGWP status?

2) Intended Work in Canada: Under this forum, they ask - "Does X has a job offer in Canada?". I was very confused with this question since CIC usually refers to "job offer" as a qualified (LMIA based) job. So in the meantime I put no. However, and as I said before, I am currently working at a job which has a qualified NOC. Should I change my answer to "Yes"?

3) After completing the questionnaire and getting my score, I noted that I was qualified under CEC. However, I also noted that I did not qualify under Federal Skilled Worker. I thought that since I have 2 years of work experience (all in Canada) I should be able to qualify for CEC AND Federal Skilled Worker. Not like I care that much since I am focusing in applying under the CEC, but I was just curious. Any thoughts?

4) Does anyone know if any points are added for.. lets say.. I put 2 years (old job) and 4 months (and counting - from my current job).. do I get points only on a BY YEAR basis or do months also add some points?
Hey There,

1) Should be Canada as you are here from last 6 months. You are right
2) If your employer have LMIA (Old Name LMO) than you can put yes or else you need to keep it No
3) No FSW worker should be under certain NOC code but i am not sure about this
4) No you only get point for years of work.

Hope this helps


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Similar situation here. I fill out most of the sections but I haven't actually submit yet. I'll try.

1) I put Canada for country of residence. Considering we are all considered Temporary residents of Canada legally (as well for tax purpose too) and usually lives in Canada. There's elsewhere asking for our citizenship which distinguishes from that

2) I put yes. There is another question asking "is your job based on LMIA". Then you put no.

3) More factors to be considered under FSWP than CEC. Fund bring into Canada? 67 points? etc...

4) under CRS, years are claimed on a full year. Say, 2 years 4 months are considered 2 years

I appreciate others' experiences too