I got accepted into M.App.Sc. program of a Canadian University. The program’s length is “Minimum 3 terms, maximum 9 terms”.
I thought all Canadian master’s programs usually result in 3-year PGWP (Post Graduation Work Permit) especially considering this statement:
"Officers may issue 3-year work permits to individuals who complete a master’s degree in Canada when the DLI has confirmed in the written confirmation of program completion (e.g., an official letter or transcript) that the degree is 16 to 23 months in duration and does not include regularly scheduled breaks." (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/study-permits/post-graduation-work-permit-program.html)
However, the program has a minimal length of just one year (3 terms). It seems too shirt. Will it help if I study there more than 3 terms or it does not matter and I still can get a 3-year PGWP even after finishing it after 3 terms?
After reading this topic,
I think I should study there for two years just in case even if I can finish it earlier. Poor guy got just one year after finishing his MASc program too soon.
I got accepted into M.App.Sc. program of a Canadian University. The program’s length is “Minimum 3 terms, maximum 9 terms”.
I thought all Canadian master’s programs usually result in 3-year PGWP (Post Graduation Work Permit) especially considering this statement:
"Officers may issue 3-year work permits to individuals who complete a master’s degree in Canada when the DLI has confirmed in the written confirmation of program completion (e.g., an official letter or transcript) that the degree is 16 to 23 months in duration and does not include regularly scheduled breaks." (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/study-permits/post-graduation-work-permit-program.html)
However, the program has a minimal length of just one year (3 terms). It seems too shirt. Will it help if I study there more than 3 terms or it does not matter and I still can get a 3-year PGWP even after finishing it after 3 terms?
After reading this topic,
I think I should study there for two years just in case even if I can finish it earlier. Poor guy got just one year after finishing his MASc program too soon.