harsh_mba said:
I am a btech graduate from delhi with 70% my ielts score is 7 and i am looking to settle down in canada frankly . I was looking forward to PG diploma followed by some work ex hopefully followed by a PR and then MBA down the line from a good university. i hope this is a good idea.... :s..!!!
The thing now i need help finding the right PG diploma course
I went through the PDDM from VUI , would that be a good option..please consider everythin while helping me out , like visa for this course after btech ...would that be a issue etc..!!
are there any universities that give u a co-op with PG diploma but are 1 year becouse i dont want to spend 2 years of fees for a diploma when m planning an mba.
also after the diploma how gud r the chances for actually finding a job...???
plz add anythin u think could help me outttt
You aren't the 1st guy..who wants to settle down in Canada...
Indian degrees and work experience are only good to the level..it can get you into Canada as a skilled worker..or get you admission to a good course in any of the Universities or colleges. The reality is..you not only need skills (both related to your field and soft) but also Canadian work experience to get a skilled job. Unless you are opting for a research line in publicly recognized universities OR passing out some really good course like MBA form a reputed university... or some Univ. programme in fields of science, engineering, health sciences etc. or trade courses which are in demand... till then getting a skilled job (which is a main requirement in most of the PNPs and Federal CEC) is very very difficult.
Of course there are options like the Saskatchewan province... which can get you PNP nomination and PR, by doing unskilled/any job (current rule states you need to dot hat for 1 year)... but how long those rules will last... it's difficult to predict(especially with recent rules change, which made Sask PNP more difficult.. earlier it was only 6 months work ex requirement) and some provinces like Alberta and Nova Scotia may accept selected semi-skilled (NOC-C) or unskilled (NOC-D) jobs. You can aspire to do lower level jobs and get quick PR in provinces like Sask..after some pg level college courses...(which frankly most of us do)..but given current scenario..what if these rules completely change? Then what? For example..reports have started coming in...that Manitoba province(which has similar PNP student rules which allows unskilled job holders to apply for PNp and PR) will soon shut down..as Federal govt has decided to cut all funding's to MPNP.
To know more about various options available to international students go through this list of various official immigration programmes:
So.. overall you NEED to find a skilled job (NOC O,A,or B)..to be sure..for your chances to immigrate. Or else..if you or others are unlucky..and the easier PNPs shut down/change rules in future... and then you may have to return home after completion of your PGWP.
Now..there are many PG cert/diploma courses in various Canadian colleges... offering internship/co-op/work ex term... and unless your course is either practical trade courses or higher level Master's courses in recognized public Universities...chances of getting an actual skilled job after these co-op is very low.
Once you do a PG cert/diploma of 1 or 2 years..and take Post Grad Work Permit of 1-3 years... you can NEVER ever apply for it again.. since an international student gets PGWP only once in a lifetime. So forget studying PG cert..work for some time..then do master's and then working again..on PGWP. Once your PGWP runs out.. your employer needs to apply for LMO..or you migrate via some other way like skilled worker category..which takes longer time..and are comparatively difficult than student PGWP routes.
Most MBA's of average/good/top public universities require min few years of work ex.. GMAT score and admission is highly competitive. You can opt for lower level MBA courses such as at VIU or TRU..but frankly those are not anymore valuable(if not less) than the college PG certificates.
Going by your profile..since you have good scores... in academics and IELTS... your best bet will be to apply for a Master's in engineering (many I think are research based) in any of the recognized public universities...(which are again competitive..but require NO work ex or GMAT..but MAY require GRE score..in some universities) which believe me..if you put effort..time... are much much better option than going for any college level PG courses or lower level MBA courses.
You can go through the list of recognized participating educational institutes..go to the individual Univ. websites/department websites of your B.Tech specialization.. and look for an appropriate Master's in Engineering course..mtching your qualifictaion/requiremnt. Most of them start on Fall date...i.e Sept intake.. so if you don't find any Jan2013 entry courses..you can look forward to apply for Sept2013 intakes.
Hope..it clears your queries.
Best of Luck.
***All info provided, are to the best of my knowledge and you should consult other sources too.