I had submitted my TRV application in january.... In the mid of fabruary i received my passport with letter.... The letter states that i would like to give you an opportunity to respond to this information. I will afford you 30 days from the receipt of this letter to make the representation in this regard. Please email your scanned documents at delhiimmigration@international.gc.ca in the subject line..please indiactes your file number.
In the letter the visa officer asked me about my 2017-18 income tax returns that they seems to be fake... But i send a represtation with some evidence for its genuinity via email. Then i received an acknowledgement states that We do not respond unless you have already submitted an application and we need additional information from you. If a response is justified, we will write within 30 days.
I have question is that i have to send only email in the regard of question asked by visa officer with explanation or i have to submit new application with all documents and fees.
Please help me members by giving ur views
@Bryanna plz help ....
In the letter the visa officer asked me about my 2017-18 income tax returns that they seems to be fake... But i send a represtation with some evidence for its genuinity via email. Then i received an acknowledgement states that We do not respond unless you have already submitted an application and we need additional information from you. If a response is justified, we will write within 30 days.
I have question is that i have to send only email in the regard of question asked by visa officer with explanation or i have to submit new application with all documents and fees.
Please help me members by giving ur views
@Bryanna plz help ....