Nothing yet.

. Still in the In process status (Since December 18.)
I called them up again yesterday. Talked to the agent. She said, she can see that I had sent a web inquiry two weeks back and they had replied (They replied saying they are forwrding the info to responsible team. And they will get back to me). And she said, the PRC office has not responded back on that and they dont have any further info than that what we see online. She said they are the same folks who responds to our web inquiry requests too.
She asked me to wait for some more days. If they haven't asked you for more documents, the next step would be PR card sending out.
I was asking her, then why is there no update/movement on the file. Is the officer dealing with my file is on leave or something. She said she doesn''t have any other info.
I'm just so down now, thinking about what's happening to my application.