Hey everyone, OP here, my update so far:
- sent my application off end of November 2017
- 1 December 2017 I get the 'we've taken the money' letter
- 8 December 2017 I get the 'deeper investigation' letter
This morning I get an email from CCIP telling me my Tefaq oral evaluation had been lowered from a C1 to a B1 as per MIDI's request. I sat the test over 6 months ago, and received the relevant certificate, which CERTIFIES that my level is above the supposed required mark for the PEQ.
Almost six months after applying for the CSQ through the PEQ, with just a few weeks to go before my work permit runs out, I am notified of, what seems to be, a complete arbitrary decision as no linguistic feedback or explanation was provided in the email. This demotion lowers my score not only by one but TWO full marks, which curiously brings me just below the necessary mark for obtaining the CSQ. Now I wonder, could this just be a mere coincidence?
If the examiner was so so off that he assessed my level to be 2 marks higher than what it should have been, then why am I being notified now? If the language level standardisation is flawed that doesn't justify a 6+ month reassessment period the candidate is unaware of. The only other possibility is that MIDI's system is so deeply corrupt that this is their only way of rejecting applications that otherwise wouldn't have a justifiable refusal.
My question is, is there any way one can seek justice for what these crooks are doing? How is this sort of practice even allowed in a western country? Are there any means to appeal against this tyranny and, quite frankly, shocking abuse of power?
please kindly provide your email (no need to be a real one, can be a "new" one if you are concerned) then one of my friend will send you an email regarding your question.
also, could you let us know:
1. where did you take your original test?
2. what was your C1 score (exact score)
3. what is your B1 score now?
lastly, that's why I won't even use my Tefaq C1 result.
to be honest, you are mad at MIDI, me too, but I am even more mad at CCIP (the test centre for tefaq in Paris).
They send out their certificate and don't stand for it and now, if you want to let them make sure your score, you need to pay extra 50 euros to get the contre-evaluation. What the XX is that???
is there any ...I mean any text authorities dose the same thing in the world?!
Tefaq said they use the method "spot check (contre-evaluate)" which means they trust very much their examiners on site. But if your examiners on site can't even do their proper job, like ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS give out a higher score than the what is should be, why Tefaq doesn't change the system?!
it's like I bought a broken TV set and I ask for a refund and you tell me NO, WE CAN'T, because we use the method "spot check", and your TV set was not checked by us, so it's your fault to pick this tv set... and if you want to have a guaranteed quality, you need to pay more...
I don't know what to say...