When you pay the fee at the bank a copy of the recipt is sent to CIC otherwise how do they match it up.The bank has to send them some communication that it is paid.And yes you pay before but i just said i wouldnt pay it too far in advance.But like i said thats up to you if you do or not.I myself dont trust CIC in doing anything correct so i am almost sure i wouldnt trust them with matching a recipt that has been paid months in advance but like i said that is my choice what you do is up to you.
It personal choice.RPRF does not have to be paid until they request it just before the visa is issued but then again you can pay it all at once to CIC all of it,or you can pay it later on sending the recipt again to CIC but at this point they have something to match it to.A file number.
But like i said its all personal choice i just dont trust CIC to do much correctly.
And if they dont have anything to match it up to what makes you think they wouldnt question it.Just because you have a recipt and they cant match it up???Fraud is commited everyday.Thats why i said when you pay it the bank sends communication that it is paid.if you pay it far in advance where do you think the communication from the bank goes in a cabinet until your app comes in with the other part of the recipt.Then they match it up right.But i just said personal choice is i would not trust that the communication from the bank would not go awal somewhere if you paid months in advance.
Its all personal choice so if you want to pay months in advance i guess thats up to you.
It personal choice.RPRF does not have to be paid until they request it just before the visa is issued but then again you can pay it all at once to CIC all of it,or you can pay it later on sending the recipt again to CIC but at this point they have something to match it to.A file number.
But like i said its all personal choice i just dont trust CIC to do much correctly.
And if they dont have anything to match it up to what makes you think they wouldnt question it.Just because you have a recipt and they cant match it up???Fraud is commited everyday.Thats why i said when you pay it the bank sends communication that it is paid.if you pay it far in advance where do you think the communication from the bank goes in a cabinet until your app comes in with the other part of the recipt.Then they match it up right.But i just said personal choice is i would not trust that the communication from the bank would not go awal somewhere if you paid months in advance.
Its all personal choice so if you want to pay months in advance i guess thats up to you.