If you didnt pay the full fee amount when you sent in the application, do they ask you for the second half of the payment once they open your file in the Visa office? or do they ask for it if they accept the applicant to come to canada?
If you didnt pay the full fee amount when you sent in the application, do they ask you for the second half of the payment once they open your file in the Visa office? or do they ask for it if they accept the applicant to come to canada?
The payment of the RPRF can be deferred until the visa office is satisfied that the applicant is admissible. At that time, they will request that you pay it. You don't have to wait until then to do so, however. It can add as much as 2 months to your processing if you wait until they ask.
You don't need to email them saying you'd like to pay. You pay the fee online, send proof to CPC-M at the appropriate address, and send proof of payment to the VO as well.