Does anyone have any information on Fedex 'Advanced Shipping' label creation steps as outlined below -- Any help would be much appreciated!:
1) Is it a problem to have the street address in 'Address 2' as follows? [It looks like => 'Address 2': "VISA/Passports 365 Laurier Av. West"] ('Contact Name' and 'Address 1' are already full..)
1b) Alternatively, should I just first put the street address into 'Address 1' box and put the remaining info in the remainder of 'Address 1' and into 'Address 2'?
2) Should I put my phone number for both addresses as this is mandatory?
3) Do you recommend either 'FedEx International First®' or 'FedEx International Priority®'? In other words, what service type would you recommend?
4) What weight is safe to indicate?
5) What do you put for 'Document description'? (Should I put 'Legal Documents')?
6) Is the shipment purpose 'Commercial' or 'Personal Use'?
7) What do you put for 'Total customs value'? (The system doesn't seem to be accepting 0 Dollars.)
8) Do you check off the 'Personalize FedEx generated customs documents' boxes?
9) Does anything else need to be put on the 'COMMERCIAL INVOICES' or just a signature at the bottom is enough?
10) Do I also sign for the return 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE'?