Is it easy to find part time off campus jobs in cities like Saskatoon?I will really appreciate if students studying in Canada answer this question.
Hello buddy ,Speaklouder said:Is it easy to find part time off campus jobs in cities like Saskatoon?I will really appreciate if students studying in Canada answer this question.
I guess there are part time jobs everywhere. Only thing to remember is not to fall into "All work and no studies, thereby breakingSpeaklouder said:Is it easy to find part time off campus jobs in cities like Saskatoon?I will really appreciate if students studying in Canada answer this question.
Bit difficult with the restriction but not impossible as I know of some people who earned enough toSpeaklouder said:it means I will not be able to manage my yearly tution fees of 10k with part time job.
As per my LOA it's 4 months. Yours maybe different to mine. I am going for undergrad course.Speaklouder said:By the way, what is total duration of summer and winter breaks in master programs?
Official break is always summer from your school it is for 4 months you can work as much as you want and make enough for next tuition fee . But don't expect that you can make lots of money while study , doing part time job . You can make enough for living expenses in part time job. Some cities like Toronto there is lots of cash jobs available if you can find that one , you can make some money towards your tuition .Speaklouder said:By the way, what is total duration of summer and winter breaks in master programs?