I will be landing in Toronto in the second week of august and i would like to know what kind of jobs are available in market for IT professionals for part time..TIA
Given that you will be in school your schedule it may be hard to get an IT job. Very hard to comment not knowing your IT background and whether there is a part-time demand. Many students end up working im various aspects of the service industry because the work hours cam be on the weekend or evenings.
Given that you will be in school your schedule it may be hard to get an IT job. Very hard to comment not knowing your IT background and whether there is a part-time demand. Many students end up working im various aspects of the service industry because the work hours cam be on the weekend or evenings.
Given that you will be in school your schedule it may be hard to get an IT job. Very hard to comment not knowing your IT background and whether there is a part-time demand. Many students end up working im various aspects of the service industry because the work hours cam be on the weekend or evenings.
Part-time jobs can be found in person at a store or restaurant or popular website like indeed.ca or monster.ca. You may also get leads on some forums where IT people talk. There also may be jobs posted on company websites but those are usually full-time.
Your best bet to find part time IT development jobs would be to freelance (ensure you only work for 20 hours on a student visa during school). There are many websites which offer this such as upwork, guru, flexjobs, freelancer and on Indeed.