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Parents Sponsorship - Stop Immigration Lottery


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Nov 11, 2008
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Congratulations! That's awesome. How long does it take from winning the lottery to COPR?
Not sure. From other thread, people who got selected in the first round already received their SA and decision made on the e-cas (whatever meaning).


Full Member
Mar 9, 2017
Not selected in 2018, my parents now have to wait for another year, if there is another year.
I can't point out how a lottery is not fair just for its way of random selection, but lottery is unfair consider we have been eligible for a long time, that we would probably already reunite without the lottery, i.e. FIFO. FIFO - a system closer to merit-based, not hard to understand, right? Lottery also favor parents of more than one child, who can get multiple chance if all their children willing to sponsor, but that's side notes.

And also, given 2017 data, people ineligible are trying in the lottery game - will find out soon how many chosen lucky ones not applying this year. At least, one change need to be made is that all lottery participants are required to submit income pre-clearance at lottery stage (not just asking question), and pay 500 application fee (non-refundable if found cheating or not applying after been chosen). Ineligible cheater, once found, should be banned for years, in a blacklist.

Like many lottery system, participant (paid and eligible ones) should get better weight in random selection year over year, it is another way to better balance the system.
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Jun 30, 2005

Not selected in 2018, my parents now have to wait for another year, if there is another year.
I can't point out how a lottery is not fair just for its way of random selection, but lottery is unfair consider we have been eligible for a long time, that we would probably already reunite without the lottery, i.e. FIFO. FIFO - a system closer to merit-based, not hard to understand, right? Lottery also favor parents of more than one child, who can get multiple chance if all their children willing to sponsor, but that's side notes.

And also, given 2017 data, people ineligible are trying in the lottery game - will find out soon how many chosen lucky ones not applying this year. At least, one change need to be made is that all lottery participants are required to submit income pre-clearance at lottery stage (not just asking question), and pay 500 application fee (non-refundable if found cheating or not applying after been chosen). Ineligible cheater, once found, should be banned for years, in a blacklist.

Like many lottery system, participant (paid and eligible ones) should get better weight in random selection year over year, it is another way to better balance the system.
1 Sure they can go back to FIFO and with the quota, you would be waiting about 15 years before your parents arrived.
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Mar 9, 2017

1 Sure they can go back to FIFO and with the quota, you would be waiting about 15 years before your parents arrived.
No, that's the fake news, It was two years for my in-law to come and we used Canada Post on Dec 30 to mailed out, there is no courier lottery, no significant line up.
There wasn't really a decade line-up because there weren't too many ABUSE the system.


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Nov 7, 2012
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No, that's the fake news, It was two years for my in-law to come and we used Canada Post on Dec 30 to mailed out, there is no courier lottery, no significant line up.
There wasn't really a decade line-up because there weren't too many ABUSE the system.
It's not fake news, it was where the program was heading under old FIFO system with no caps on submissions, but quotas on how many parents can get PR per year. Since there would be more apps received than PRs granted, you don't need to be a mathematician to know this would result in backlog increasing every single year. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/archives/backgrounders-2013/action-plan-faster-family-reunification.html

And couriers worked fine when cap took a full day or more to fill up. As demand increased though for same number of spots, cap would have eventually filled up within hours. It would would have turned into a lottery for choosing the right courier, who's fees would increase year over year to stand in line earlier for you. Instead of people here complaining about the lottery afterwards, it would instead be people complaining their courier didn't get their app in the 10K, and they lost an nonrefundable fee to them.

A lottery in general is the fairest way to give access to program to all that meet basic criteria. Criticism should not be directed at stopping the lottery, it should be aimed at making changes to improve it i.e. making criteria tougher like must be a citizen to sponsor, giving additional entries if you've qualified but missed on previous lotteries, charging fees to enter to reduce ineligible spots being taken, etc etc
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Jun 8, 2010
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No, that's the fake news, It was two years for my in-law to come and we used Canada Post on Dec 30 to mailed out, there is no courier lottery, no significant line up.
There wasn't really a decade line-up because there weren't too many ABUSE the system.
Definitely not fake news. Just a few short years ago (pre application cap) there were tons of people on this forum who had been waiting 9+ years. It wasn't at all unusual - downright normal.


Apr 26, 2017
I'm new here :)

I'm just wondering.. I applied for my Parents sponsorship including my 3 brothers this year. I am aware that they already draw the first round of chosen sponsors. How many draw are they going to do? Are we expecting more announcements to come? Am I suppose to receive an email stating that I successfully or not selected to sponsor?

Thank you all :)


Full Member
Feb 11, 2018
How many draw are they going to do?
Nobody knows, they will determine themselves depending on how many applications they will actually receive.
The fact that in 2018 they chose 15,000 interested sponsors with the intention of getting only 10,000 applications (eligible or ineligible, but complete applications) says that they, either:
1) Expect that not every "interested" person will actually send an application
2) Expect to get more than 10k applications in order to catch up on unexpectedly low application volume last year
Or both. In either case this lottery is completely not transparent.

Am I suppose to receive an email stating that I successfully or not selected to sponsor?
Yes. And sorry for a late reply, but by now you probably already know the answer. If not, you can find if you were selected here:
Apr 25, 2018
The web site has a number of factual errors.


All applications were not accepted. Only the lucky few who, with geographic or financial advantage, were able to get to the head of the limited number of accepted applicants.

1. Errors no errors, point is do you agree with basic concern, thta the lottery system is highly partial ?
2. There might be many potentail future ponsors of parents who might have agreed on the lottery system, but would only understand the actual issue when they would keep applying with no positive outcome whatsoever.
3. I understand that the first come first serve method was unfair for someone who was far away than the folks near one, but then during those days I never heard anyone who got rejected, for sure there would have been many cases, but I never heard of one in my circle, since this lottery system, I barely hear anyone getting accepted.
4. I have been appling since two years, I am paying tremendous amount of money to the insurance company so that I can keep my parents with me without any worries, I pay hell lot of taxes, perhaps for those who already have gotten selected in the first attmept or who would get selected in their future attempts.
5. The lottery system should go that is it.


VIP Member
May 4, 2012
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1. Errors no errors, point is do you agree with basic concern, thta the lottery system is highly partial ?
2. There might be many potentail future ponsors of parents who might have agreed on the lottery system, but would only understand the actual issue when they would keep applying with no positive outcome whatsoever.
3. I understand that the first come first serve method was unfair for someone who was far away than the folks near one, but then during those days I never heard anyone who got rejected, for sure there would have been many cases, but I never heard of one in my circle, since this lottery system, I barely hear anyone getting accepted.
4. I have been appling since two years, I am paying tremendous amount of money to the insurance company so that I can keep my parents with me without any worries, I pay hell lot of taxes, perhaps for those who already have gotten selected in the first attmept or who would get selected in their future attempts.
5. The lottery system should go that is it.
1. ?? The whole point of a lottery is that it is impartial and gives everyone the same chance.

2. A lottery is pretty simple to understand. If people don't understand from the beginning how it works and that they may never be chosen, that is their own fault.

3. Of course less people are being approved and it is nothing to do with the lottery and everything to do with the cap...

4. Your choice to pay insurance and expenses to keep your parents here knowing they may never get PR. Your taxes are irrelevant.


VIP Member
May 18, 2015
Not discounting your contributions, but I pay a hell of a lot of taxes too, and don’t feel like paying any more to support social programs already at their limit. Unless parents are going to contribute 20 or 30 years of taxes to the system, I’m quite happy with how it works now.


Star Member
Apr 27, 2018
Not discounting your contributions, but I pay a hell of a lot of taxes too, and don’t feel like paying any more to support social programs already at their limit. Unless parents are going to contribute 20 or 30 years of taxes to the system, I’m quite happy with how it works now.

You are right, we are paying a lot of taxes. I don't know what logic they are using for randomness. It is a complete mess. Despite the fact that we have to show 3 years income, if we are eligible then we should get chance. I was not selected last year and this year the same.
This is partiality too for the people who are not selected twice in a row....