Hi all, my parents arrived few days ago(Vancouver,BC). Do you know, if they are 65+ are they going to have any benefits(besides health care)? I mean is there any type of pension they are eligible to get? I know that I am financially responsible for them next 10 years, but I was hoping they can get something as a senior.
Or, is there any newcomer services that I can use to get the information?
Thanks for your help!
You are responsible for them for the next 20 years. That's been changed a long time ago to 20 years.
They are not eligbale for pension (Old age security). Since they've never worked in Canada and just arrived. May be they can get a small amount after they live here for 10 years.
Old Age Security pension
A pension you can receive if you are 65 years of age or older and have lived in Canada for
at least 10 years - even if you have never worked.
If you have lived in Canada less than 40 years
Not everyone receives the full Old Age Security pension. The amount you receive depends on the number of years you have lived in Canada.
If you lived in Canada for less than 40 years (after age 18) you will receive a partial payment amount. Your payment amount is based on the number of years in Canada divided by 40.
You can delay your first payment up to 5 years to get a higher amount.
If you lived in Canada for 20 years
If you lived in Canada for 20 years after age 18, you would receive a payment equal to
20 divided by 40, or 50%, of the full Old Age Security pension.
Other services should be listed in the pre-arrival letter for new comers.