Unfortunately there is no way to expedite their case. If they are denied you can attempt to appeal based on H&C considerations. You will have to arrange further testing. Due to Covid it could take a long time since those with provincial healthcare will be prioritized versus testing for an immigration application. Hopefully they took out medical insurance because I’m not sure at what point visitors stop being covered for Covid expenses. Although it may not be your first option hiring a caregiver or nurse in your home country to provide care may be your best option until you get the result of your parent’s PGP application. You also mention only daughter do you have a brother? Is he in India?It could be a very long process if you have to appeal on top of the 20-24+ month processing time. Technically they could try and file an H&C application but they have only just been affected by Covid and there is no guarantee they won’t have longterm expensive health issues. They also traveled during the height of a pandemic and they would likely have access to similar medical treatments in India. The application could still take many months With no guarantees. Would suggest hiring a lawyer.I had applied for my parents under the parents sponsorship program in March 2021 and they received their medical in November 2021. Their medical was done in November in India. My mother has pulmonary (lung) fibrosis. She received a request for additional medical information. Since they were scheduled to come to Canada in the first week of January, I inquired at the Visa Medical office at the hospital in India where their medical was done and they informed that additional medical could be done in Canada. I thought we could do the additional medical in Canada. They arrived in Canada in the first week of January and got hit with Covid and my mom got hit harder. She was at the hospital for 7 days and she is now on Oxygen 4lpm 24/7. She is in a state where I can't take them back to India nor I can get their additional medical done here. I am inquiring about the medicals as to how much wait time they will have at the clinic because she is on full time oxygen. I am their only daughter. Even if I send them back to India there is no one to look after them. Please let me know who should I contact to expedite their case of parental sponsorship. Is there any way to request to have their immigration done asap on the basis of humanitarian grounds? If yes, how should I proceed. Any guidance in this regard is appreciated.
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