I received the reassessment of my proof of income letter. The letter says:
Prior to the finalization of the Application for Permanent Residence for your relative(s), the
reassessment of your eligibility as a sponsor is required.
If you have a spouse or a common-law partner, you are eligible to include him/her in this application
as a co-signer, provided that he/she meets the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee
Protection Regulations section 132(5). Please note that the addition of a co-signer is not required.
Should you wish to include a co-signer in your application, you must submit the following:
An updated Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344)
form that has been completed by yourself and your co-signer. The last page of this form must
also be signed by yourself, your co-signer and the relative you are sponsoring.
An updated Financial Evaluation for Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship (IMM 5768) form
completed by yourself and your co-signer.
You must provide the following documents:
For proof of income requested below, provide documents/information for the following years: 2018,
2019 and 2020.
My questions are:
1. Can I use the proof of income on the CRA website? It seems is not option C format. Is that Okay?
2. I have a co-signer - my wife. Do we need to sign IMM 1344 and IMM 5768 again??
Thanks so much!!!