@YULIA-2016 seems like you are back from vacations

Need your expert advise.
My mother has hypertension, we went for medicals last Thursday and physician also asked for serum creatinine. The normal range was upto 100 and hers came to 99. But lab did eGFR too. Normal being equal to or more than 60 and hers came to 55 (mild to moderate kidney damage). She never had any renal issues or symptoms. Do you think we will be asked for additional tests/ nephrologist consults or is it borderline and may be ok?
And second thing, her chest Xray showed linear density. When she had her xray for super visa 2 years ago- it was there at that time too and physician in India, said it is ok, it may be due to a childhood infection and didn't say it was TB or anything and she never has any chest symptoms either (didn't go for any additional tests).
Do you think we can do anything at our end now or is it just a wait and watch game? Is it gonna delay the process a lot or may be rejected?
Can we mention the previous medical number- UMI anywhere so they can have reference with previous Xrays?
Any suggestions are appreciated. Keeping my fingers crossed.