I hear what you are saying re covid related delays, sure. The world is experiencing covid related delays. It is frustrating and annoying for everyone.
But, for what my opinion is worth, I think it is inaccurate to say that sponsoring parents and grandparents 'usually has no benefit to Canada'. These sponsored parents and grandparents offer practical and emotional support, family stability, and can be a backbone to their families - the very families that are working in Canada, paying taxes in Canada, contributing to the economy in Canada, and getting Canada towards recovery in a pandemic world.
To leave these Canadian workers without their families at a time when they need them the most in order to perform and contribute to the economy as best they can, is short sighted and narrow focused, in my opinion.
Anyways, not interested getting in to some heavy back and forth here as I don't have time, but these are just my thoughts to challenge this idea that parents / grandparents contribute nothing to Canada.