You got incorrect information or maybe there was a miscommunication. Rules for quarantine are federal. Family members shouldn’t be seeing familiy members if they are in quarantine even with a mask on. The rest of the family doesn’t need to quarantine if there is no contact with the people quarantining. Families should be remaining in a separate suite like a basement with their own kitchen and bathroom. Food can be left at their door and the door can be opened once the person dropping of food leaves. There seems to be an option to stay in a separate bedroom with an en-suite but most bedrooms don’t have perfect seals and often share ventilation with adjacent rooms. If people have to come out to use a bathroom that creates extra risks of transmission and isn’t actually really quarantining.
Thank you for your reply. I would like to agree with you and clarify that my mom did have her own basement with her own bedroom and bathroom, she also had her own dishes and utensils. You are absolutely right that rules are federal however I reached out to our provincial government for clarification and got a prompt response within 5 minutes.
Bottom line is that the household members of international travelers are not required to self isolate at this time. Could you please post a link with with the following guidelines:
Families should be remaining in a separate suite like a basement with their own kitchen and bathroom. Food can be left at their door and the door can be opened once the person dropping of food leaves. There seems to be an option to stay in a separate bedroom with an en-suite but most bedrooms don’t have perfect seals and often share ventilation with adjacent rooms. If people have to come out to use a bathroom that creates extra risks of transmission and isn’t actually really quarantining.?
On the other note, Inter provincial travelling has various restrictions and variation in terms of self isolation etc.
Everyone's health including your family members, co-workers and yourself should be of the utmost importance so self-isolation should be treated very carefully and it should be everybody's responsibility to protect each other.