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medical assessment results can be used interchangeably: a foreign national who is medically inadmissible as a permanent resident may be admissible as a temporary resident. The reverse may also be true if the temporary resident’s medical condition improves between applications, such as when an active medical condition becomes inactive after treatment.
With some exceptions (noted below), when an applicant changes categories, a medical officer must assess medical examination results for the new category. If the first examination was less than a year earlier, a new examination may not be necessary, as a medical officer may be able to review the existing results in the new category. Otherwise, officers should issue instructions for a new examination in the new category.
The only exceptions are permanent residence applicants with M1, M2 or M3 profiles and temporary residents with M1 and M2 profiles. They do not need a medical officer to assess their examination results in the new category, provided that the medical assessment is still valid, i.e., within 12 months of the applicant’s last immigration medical examination.
A medical officer must review the existing medical assessment of temporary residents with an M3 profile who apply for permanent residence.