Hi. The officer gave me the OHIP Eligibility Assessment form and asked me to attach the documents that I have and fax it to the General Manager OHIP. The reason he wrote on this form was, "The document presented is not AFP". I haven't faxed it yet. So, just to confirm again, did you get the OHIP on the basis of pre-arrival services letter or was there some other documents?Thanks for sharing . This is interesting because the service ontario website states that you are eligible to apply if you have applied for PR and have been confirmed to meet all eligibility requirements and have not yet been denied. Its definitely a grey area.
When i had gone to apply, the only issue was that of address proof. The officer was ok with the letters that I had provided from IRCC which basically were indicative of all the progress so far (like request for PCC, request for additional doc) . But even then he said when I come back with address proof, it will be reviewed by a senior person and a temporary health card will be issued.
did some senior team lead, etc. review it ?