The red box was added after the exceptions were posted. Anyone landing for the first time should delay their arrival according to the red box. It doesn’t make sense for most of these people to land because most employees are not going to work, schools are closed, you have to go straight into quarantine for 14 days which is hard if you haven’t found somewhere to live, etc. Canada is trying to prevent people from entering Canada if they don’t have to be there. If parents haven’t entered Canada they should delay their arrival. By flying they are risking their lives.They will give exemptions to people who recieved their Permanent Residence Before before March 16th
Temporary foreign workers, as well as international students who have a valid study permit or who were approved for a study permit before March 18, 2020, and foreign nationals who were approved for permanent residence before March 16, 2020, but who hadn’t yet travelled to Canada, will be exempt from these restrictions. We will announce when these exemptions are in effect, with an expected date of early during the week of March 22, 2020.