Thank you so much.=> Could anyone please tell me the next procedure ? flowchart
=> Also, when it says Decision made, is it a guaranteed PR ? wait for SA letter. you will get within 3-5 day via E-mail.
Please tag @YULIA-2016 @robertp @laxsun @jayeshaminnew @serious_cheese to add / update your info in tracker
- Line # in tracker: if applicable
- Sponsored People: Mom dad + dep
- Parents Country of Citizenship: India
- Sponsor Province: ON
- Invitations Receive Date: Apr 25
- Application received in Ottawa Date: June 13
- AoR Received (DATE): Oct 11
- Ecas Status for Sponsorship Application: N/A
- Ecas Status for PR Application. N/A
- Sponsorship In process Date: N/A
- Sponsorship Decision Made Date: N/A
- Local Visa Office : N/A
- Biometric request : N/A
- MyCIC update: N/A
- IME request date : N/A
- IME Passed date: N/A
- PCC request: N/A
- Additional document / travel history request date :
- Comment / additional information :
@YULIA-2016 @robertp Please add my info in the tracker, and send me the link to it.
Appreciate it. Thanks again.