You can't get married via proxy when one party is within Canada, since no provinces permit them.
However if a couple gets married by proxy from 2 jurisdictions outside of Canada, then as long as the proxy marriage was legal in each jurisdiction the marriage would be legal in Canada.
5.30. Recognition of a marriage
If a proxy marriage occurs at a foreign mission in Canada (the proxy is given by the foreign
national and the Canadian resident is present at the mission for the ceremony), the marriage must
meet the legal requirements of Canada (federal and provincial) in order to be legally valid. At this
time, no provinces permit proxy marriages; therefore, these marriages are invalid.yes,I know this

,but I am quite sure that while Canada accepts that "kind"of wedding,who applies having proxy wedding will be refused...they make it too difficult even though U are.physically present,they will approve a wedding case like this?that's why I say is paradox...