dear forum members,
who are planning to land in winter months . can you share why in respective month you have plan to land their and share the arrangement initally after landing .like housing , buying a car selecting area .it will be extremely helpful for the ppl who are moving to canada . i know their are seperate threads on this forum and lot of information but as its especially pakistani applicants so it will be more useful . if anyone want to make seperate thread for it plz do it and share it . its my humble request .
we can share any informaton even a pety one regarding travelling and settling . thanks
one more thing in my opinion take your useful clothes you are using dont take too much as weight also matters :

but dont waste money in buying extra new clothing for there as you will not like these things there .especially kids and working places .and you can spend money on clothing from there .
for kids depending on your budget good stores GAP, GYMBOREE (in sales you can get shirts and tops in the same price u buy from here like outfitters and minne minors . )old navy (jackets , fleece shirts )convienent prices ........than children place ,roots (little expensive but during sale and deal its affordable .if cheap go walmart . bay ,sears i didnt like but ppl recommend .